Page 141 of Dirty Pleasures

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“I don’t get what you’re saying.”

“I am not sure you will ever become one, Emily.”

My stomach twisted.

I gave her my back and looked out of the window. “Then, why the fuck am I here? Why the hell did you let me—”

“Because you need to gain control of Lunita—”

“I want to be the only one—”

“I am not saying that could not happen, I am just saying. . .”

I looked back at her. “What are you saying?”

“For this trip. . .consider learning how to gain control.”

“That’s not enough. They already think I’m the boss. I have control—”

“But you could be the original.”

I widened my eyes. “What?”

“If you got true control, you could be the original.”

“How is that even possible?”

“How are you even possible, Emily?” She stepped closer to me. “You are a magical wonder. A girl that survived dark horrors that many couldn’t, yet you stand here.”

“Baba, I don’t want to hear all of that shit.” I set the brush down. “How can I become the original?”

“Find the original.”

“And then what?”

“Heal her.”


“Only you would know how to do that.”

“How would I know?”

“Because you are her.”

I shook my head.

Baba continued, “I wanted you to paint all of them tonight because you should try to understand them. Accept them.”

That very idea seemed daunting, yet there had to be a ring of truth to it. Each alter, each part of me, had a story, a reason for being.

“I’m scared,” I confessed, in a whisper.

“Scared of what?”

“Scared of losing myself in them and being fucking confused and more insane than I already am.”

“You won’t lose yourself,” Baba assured me, her tone gentle yet firm. “By understanding them, you’ll find yourself. The real you, the complete you.”

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