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Chapter 11


For the fifth time during the run, vomit threatened to rise in my throat. It singed my esophagus, but never revealed itself to the other runners in the park. Apparently, hangovers and exercise didn’t complement each other.

To make matters worse, Vivian decided to describe her hot and passionate evening with my brother throughout the whole run.

“It was so big—”

“Please stop saying that.” I held my stomach as we ran through Rower’s Way.

Vivian giggled. “And thick.”

“Ick! I absolutely don’t want to know that about my brother.”

“We’re both adults. You’re just being a big baby.”

“You’re being insensitive to my stomach. You’re an only child. You can’t truly appreciate how horrific this is.”

“Fine. I won’t say anything else.” She pouted. “Your best friend takes on the biggest penis of her life and you force her to keep her journey inside.”

“Write it in your journal.”

“I don’t have one.”

“Well, now’s the time to get it.”

“Party pooper.”

I ignored her and focused on the run.

A cool wind rushed by and chilled my sweaty skin. The leaves and branches on the trees swayed and bobbed. No clouds lurked anywhere. Just a clear blue sky hovered over us.

Even better, guys in tight, colored body suits zoomed by on shiny bicycles.

On my right, couples lounged together on benches or cuddled on blankets in the grass. Further ahead, a kite contest was happening. Crowds of parents helped their kids hold onto colorful kites that glittered in the sky. Everybody enjoyed themselves around me and I relished in their delight for life, drinking in as much as I could like an emotional vampire.

To keep me out of depression, I attempted to surround myself with as much positivity as possible and Rower’s Way Park was one of the best places to do it.

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