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“What?” I glanced up at the top of the building and, sure enough, there were huge silver letters that said, Jasmine’s Hell.

A sad laugh left me.

Chapter 34


The acoustic guitar melody to the song “Tomorrow” greeted my ears. Darkness bathed most of the restaurant, except for one table all the way in the back where a single crimson lamp hovered over it. A waiter stood by the table with his hands clamped to the side and a wide smile on his face.

He named the restaurant Jasmine’s Hell.

I’d told Chase I would talk to him in hell while it was raining flowers.

I guess I should watch what I say to him from now on.

A light shower of rose petals floated down from the ceiling.

It resembled those first few moments when the arrival of snow signaled winter. Slowly, inch by inch, so many different rose petals drifted along—scarlet red, pale yellow, blushing pink, and pure white. Their silky textures slipped past my skin, tickling my cheeks and settling on my shoulders.

A flowery perfume flooded the area.

I breathed it in and it felt like I had dived into a pool of blossoms right on the edge of spring.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Chase stepped out of the shadows near the table. “It took ten florists, two carpenters, and one brilliant mechanical engineer to do it.”

I paused.

Only four feet lay between us. It was the closest we’d been in two weeks. A rousing energy bridged from me to him and thickened the air. I wanted to run to him, touch his skin, rip off those buttons on his dark blue shirt, and explore what lay underneath the black pants he wore. Petals rested on his midnight waves.

It was all I could do not to run my fingers through his hair and rustle the flowers away.

This is exactly why I avoided Chase. Two weeks, and I still can’t be alone with him in a room.

“You’re stunning,” he whispered while the waiter bowed and disappeared into the shadows.

My flesh trembled as his gaze started at my eyes and gradually journeyed down the length of my body. Wherever he looked, my blood reacted, soaring to those areas and pulsing within me. He moved a foot closer to me.

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