Page 96 of The Moment We Know

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Ashley patted the top of Jacob’s crewcut, which garnered zero response and in the ensuing awkward moment, David handed Jacob his backpack and told him, “Why don’t you take this to your room and unpack your stuff? I need to talk to your mom for a few minutes.”

With a listless nod, Jacob started down the short hallway, shuffling his feet, the flashing lights in the heels of his Scooby-Doo shoes accompanying each step. He looked like he was going to the gallows.

“What did you need to talk to me about?” Ashley asked, brushing her dark hair back over one shoulder.

He decided to get right to the point. “Paige and I are seeing one another.”

It took Ashley a moment to digest what he was saying, and when she did, her eyes narrowed and her face twisted with anger. “Paige?” she hissed. “As in your ex-wife, Paige?”


“Are you fucking kidding me?” Ashley folded her arms under her breasts, her expression sour. “How long has that been going on?”

“Not long.”

“Bullshit. How long?”

He gave her a controlled, neutral look, then said, “Anyway, I thought you should know, since she’ll be meeting Jacob soon,” he informed her, leaving out the part that it was going to happen on Thanksgiving day. He and Ashley had agreed the best plan for the holiday would be for Jacob to spend it with David and then go to Ashley’s for his regular weekend visit the next day, and David didn’t want her to jeopardize that. Knowing Ashley, she would try and renege on the arrangement just to fuck with his plans.

“Well, thanks for the heads-up,” she said sarcastically. “I really fucking appreciate it.”

Chapter 39

The Main Event was actually closed from the day before Thanksgiving though the weekend, so Paige was essentially getting a five-day vacation.

Mostly unpaid of course, but still.

She spent Wednesday baking a batch of Rice Krispies treats with extra little marshmallows mixed in, as her contribution for the Thanksgiving dinner at David’s. He’d told her she didn’t need to bring anything other than herself, but she couldn’t resist bringing a treat for Jacob.

She also spent way too much time picking out an outfit to wear, wanting to look casual and approachable, while at the same time looking nice, since it was the first time she was seeing Valerie in over five years. In the end, after ransacking her closet for several hours while Sputnik watched, Paige settled on her favorite pair of jeans and a cream-colored, chunky sweater.

When she arrived at the loft shortly after noon, David gave her a deep hug, and just held on to her until she started to get nervous.

“Is something wrong?” she asked.

He pulled back, taking in her loose, wavy hair and understated make-up that gave her a fresh appearance. “No. Everything’s great,” he told her, giving her a quick kiss. “I’m just so glad you’re here.”

“Me, too.”

He kissed her again, this time with more intensity until she pulled back, because they weren’t alone in the loft. “Where’s—”

“He’s taking a nap.”

He leaned forward, but she held him off by gripping his hair, which he had been kind enough to leave down. “I’m sorry. It just feels kind of weird, to be, you know …”


“Yes. With Jacob here.”

“But he’s napping.”

“I know, but … it still feels weird, because we’re not alone.”

“Technically, though, we are alone, since he’s … napping.”

She simply blinked at him.

“So, are you telling me I’ll never be able to kiss you when Jacob’s here, even if he’s napping? Because that’s not good.”

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