Page 70 of The Moment We Know

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“What in the world?” she muttered.

PAIGE: You’re … here?

DAVID: Yes. And I come bearing gifts.

PAIGE: Gifts?

A picture of a Panera bag and a large go-cup with a lid appeared.

PAIGE: What’s in the cup?

DAVID: Chai tea latte.

PAIGE: And what’s in the bag?

DAVID: A ciabatta breakfast sandwich with sausage, egg, and cheese.

PAIGE: I’ll be right there.

Slightly in shock, she went to unlock the front door and let David in.

“Holy shit,” he blurted out when he saw her, trying to process the transformation that had taken place since she’d fled his place. Her hair had mostly dried in chunky waves, which he thought was uber sexy and with the exception of the raspberry lipstick he really liked, her make-up was understated and flawless. She’d also changed into a simple short-sleeved shirt dress the color of pewter that buttoned up the front, and paired with her low-heeled, black sandals, she looked professional, yet casual.

“I keep several changes of clothes here, in case I get dirty or sweat through a shirt,” Paige told him. “And some extra make-up, too.”

“Well, that explains a lot,” he said, frowning a little. Sweating through a shirt at work was a thing for her? That added a layer of suck to her job, but he decided to keep that opinion to himself, at least for now.

Turning his focus to the reason why he was here, David held out the Panera bag and latte. “For you.”

“Thank you,” she said gratefully, taking them both. “But you didn’t have to do this. We have a kitchen here, you know.”

“I know. But I figured you wouldn’t take time to eat right away, unless someone made you. So, I’m here to make sure you eat and then I’m going to make sure you get whatever it is you need to get done, done.”

She’d been about to take a drink of the latte, but stopped to blink at him. “Say what?”

“I’m here to help.”

“Help? What do you mean?”

Had it been so long since she’d had help, that she didn’t understand the concept anymore? “Yeah. Help. You know, help get your room set up. Fold napkins, or set glasses on tables, or move chairs, or … whatever. And don’t even tell me you don’t need help, or that I can’t stay and help because of some bullshit rule. I’ll pretend to be a family member if necessary to justify being here, but I’m staying and helping. I mean, it’s the least I can do, since I put you in a dick stupor last night and made you late.”

Paige choked out a laugh. “All right. I accept your generous and unexpected offer,” she said, feeling a huge weight slide off her shoulders. The almost impossible had just become possible, and with a head tilt down the hallway, she started walking. “Let’s get busy.”

Chapter 28

“Thanks for keeping Jacob this afternoon,” David told Valerie when she let him into her house.

“You’re welcome,” she said. Then, her eyebrows drawing together at his appearance, added, “You look … tired.”

It was a little past 6 p.m., and he wasn’t tired, he was exhausted. After Paige had finished her breakfast sandwich, the two of them had busted ass for three hours, getting the room ready. Then, instead of leaving like a sane person would have, he’d decided to stay for half of the reception.

He’d done it mainly because he was having a good time. Seeing Paige in her element was a bit of a turn on—as was her letting it slip that her changes of clothing at the office did not include undergarments, so he knew she was still wearing the Agent Provocateur lingerie under her sweet, conservative dress.

But he’d also stayed because he wanted to see the kids that reminded Paige of her and David, and when he did, he had to agree. Not only was it their young age, but it was also their obvious love for each other which David hoped would last a lifetime.

“Did we look that awkward?” Paige had asked him, as the newlyweds swayed through their first dance together as man and wife. “It’s adorable, but …”

“I’m sure we did,” he’d answered. “That’s how it’s supposed to look, though. I don’t trust those people who take dancing lessons beforehand.”

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