Page 66 of The Moment We Know

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He cleared his throat, now stunned by her words. “You’ve never said anything like that to me before. It’s … nice to hear.”

Still shocked, he kneeled on the bed and situated one of the towels underneath her. He became transfixed by the sight of his semen glazing the most intimate part of her, and found himself oddly reluctant to wipe it away. When he was done, he lay half on her, cradling her face with his hands and proceeded to kiss her with an intensity that was fueled by how she’d looked at him and the words she had spoken. He plundered her mouth, feeling like a feral beast; he was pretty sure he resembled one, too.

The scent of sex was all around them, and the thought of another man knowing this and experiencing it with her was unfathomable to him. And as he spread her legs and entered her again, he vowed they would do this as often as possible, until it was unfathomable to her, too.

Chapter 26

Paige rolled over and stretched, before opening her eyes. She remembered the last time she’d woken up in this room—it had been years ago when she and David were living here, newly married and happy. For a moment, it made Paige feel sadly nostalgic, but thankfully not enough to make her regret saying yes when David asked her to stay.

Obviously, Jules wasn’t going to be told about this sleepover. Ever.

Done with her stretching, Paige forced herself to focus on the day ahead, even though she really just wanted to enjoy being in bed with David and re-live the highlights of last night’s double header. It was the first one she’d ever had in her life and she was definitely feeling it, which wasn’t surprising since the only action her vagina had seen in the last five years was at her annual gyno exam.

Glancing at David, who was asleep next to her, she got lost for a moment in admiring how he looked the morning after two bouts of sex, and how the morning sunlight filling the room made him—

Wait. Why was there sunlight filling the room? Why was it so goddamn bright in here? What time was it? She’d set her alarm for 8 a.m., and it was obviously way past that, so it clearly hadn’t gone off.

Paige reached over for her phone on the nightstand, only to see it wasn’t there. She quickly checked the floor, thinking it could’ve been knocked off during the night, only to remember she’d set it on David’s nightstand the night before and then … hadn’t given it another thought until just now.

Which meant she hadn’t set her alarm. She’d obviously been in too much of a post-fuckery haze to think about such mundane things as setting her alarm for work the next day (she was likely still in the haze, since she wasn’t freaking out yet). It did, however make her write a mental note to set her alarm before rounds of sex in the future, when she wasn’t cognitively impaired by David’s cock.

Speaking of which … it looked like he had morning wood. She started to lift the sheet to take a gander at it, only to pause, because the bedroom was awfully goddamn bright.

Feeling a sudden, urgent need to know what time it was—since she had to be at work by 10 a.m., at the latest—she partially climbed over David’s upper body to get her phone from his nightstand, waking him in the process with an elbow to the ribs.

“Take it easy,” he grumbled, his voice rough with sleep. “I’m on board with another round of sex, but—”

“I’m trying to find out what time it is,” she told him, tapping her phone and then staring at the lock screen for a heart-stopping moment. “Holy shit. Is this the correct time?”

He grasped her wrist, tilting the phone and squinting at the displayed time. “Why would you think it wasn’t?”

“Because it can’t be after 11 a.m.”

“Well, I’m pretty sure it is,” David said, not understanding what the problem was. “We obviously slept in.”

“No shit!” She tossed her phone back onto the nightstand and started to scramble off him, elbowing him again and making him grunt in pain.

“Jesus, what are you—”

“I’m so fucking late,” she practically yelled, inadvertently putting a knee in his groin as she got off the bed, causing him to curl up in a ball and cry out like a little girl.

“OhmyGodohmyGodohmyGod,” she muttered, stumbling a little as one of her feet got tangled in the sheets. Not only did she not have time to go home and get ready properly, she was barely going to have time to use David’s shower.

His balls still on fire, David watched in shock as a naked Paige literally dashed out of his room and into his bathroom. Ten seconds later, he heard the toilet flush, then a few seconds after that, the shower kicked on.

He lay there for a few moments, and after checking to make sure his balls weren’t ruptured, dragged himself out of bed and shuffled into the bathroom. After peeing, he opened the shower door to find Paige furiously washing her hair, then using the shampoo lather on her body, obviously in too much of a hurry to use regular soap.

“What’s going on?” he asked.

“I needed to be at work over an hour ago,” she answered, before ducking her face under the shower head.

“Shit. Really?”

“I apparently forgot to set my alarm because I was in a dick stupor last night—”

“A dick stupor?” he repeated, having almost missed that because he’d been really busy watching rivulets of suds running down her body.

“I’m not blaming your dick, so don’t worry. I blame myself, because I have a wedding reception at four that I want to be perfect and—”

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