Page 65 of The Moment We Know

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“I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You won’t,” she told him, tightening her legs around him even more before arching up to meet his thrusts, essentially humping the hell out of him from underneath.

“Shit, slow down.”

“I can’t.”

“I’m serious. Slow. Down.”

“I’m serious, too. I can’t. And don’t you dare slow down.”

Unfortunately, he couldn’t have, even if he’d wanted to. The feeling of her underneath him, with her hard nipples rubbing against his chest and her intermittent moans filling his ears, along with her hot, wet warmth was too much for him to withstand. “No, not yet, not yet,” he said with dismay, trying to hold off his orgasm but knowing he wouldn’t be able to, as molten heat gathered in his groin, tightening his balls.

When he passed the point of no return his thrusts become faster and shorter and his eyes closed as he powered into her. Instinctively, Paige gripped her thighs as tight as she could around his hips as she felt his entire body lock up, followed by a thick pulsing deep inside her as he came with a strangled groan against her mouth. With each successive pulse, he eased back, then pushed in hard and when he was finished and finally still, he remained inside her, holding his upper body so as to not crush her.

His hair hung down, tickling her face, and she reached up to tuck it behind his ears before kissing him. “Oh, my God.”

He took in her serene smile and hoped it was the truth. “On a scale of one to ten, what’s ‘Oh, my God’?”

“I’d say a solid … seven.”

That gave him pause. Based on her expression, he’d been expecting an eight, or maybe a nine. “A seven?”

She nodded. “I had to dock you a few points because I wasn’t able to enjoy it for very long.”

The deadpan dig at his stamina had him narrowing his eyes. “Uh huh,” he said blandly, knowing she had to be busting his balls right now. “I tried to make it last longer. You heard me trying, right? When I was asking you to slow down? Right. So, I’m taking those points back. And you know what else? I’m giving you a seven, so there.”

She pursed her lips in indignation. “Why am I only getting a seven?”

“Because you wouldn’t follow simple directions and slow down. That’s why.”

“Well, if you’re taking your points back, then so am I.”

“Oh? On what grounds?”

“On the grounds that you can’t penalize me for being actively involved, when you said if we weren’t both actively involved, sex wouldn’t be as good as it could be, remember? So there.”

“I remember. But there’s being actively involved, and then there’s being actively hindering—”

“Did you just imply I was ‘hindering’ during sex?”

“I wasn’t implying anything. You were hindering.”

Paige’s expression turned pensive. It was starting to make him wonder if he’d taken their sparring too far, when she disavowed him of that notion by patting him on the cheek like he was five years old and saying, “Well, I hate to tell you this, but that might be how I do sex now, so you’re probably just going to have to get used to it.”

He half-chuckled and kissed her. Normally, he would’ve pulled out by now, especially since he had softened considerably, but he wanted to just lay with her, enjoy the intimacy between them, and bask in the afterglow—

“Clean up on aisle five.”

Paige’s teasing tone, as well as the playful rocking of her hips underneath his brought him out of his reverie and back to reality, where the aftermath of sex without a condom was messy, and didn’t clean itself up.

“I’m on it,” he told her, reluctantly easing out of her, bringing a little rush of fluid with him. In the back of his mind, he started to lament not having a towel handy already, but then remembered the waterproof mattress pad.

Paige unabashedly watched him with the eyes of a new lover as he strolled, naked, to his ensuite bathroom, then watched as he came back to the bed with a couple of towels, deciding that while the back view was pretty great, the front one was even better. His wide shoulders, nicely defined chest and arms, his strong legs … and his cock, now mostly at rest, but still impressive.

He stopped next to the bed, utterly stunned at the expression on her face. He stared back at her and knew, with zero doubt, that this was what he wanted for the rest of his life—to have her gazing at him like this, full of hunger and adoration.

“You’re so beautiful, David. Truly. You have an amazing body,” she said reverently, meaning every word. “It’s nothing short of perfection, and I’m so sorry I wasn’t able to appreciate it before. For you and for me, because that hurt us both. I was scared of it, I think. And I was afraid of you wanting me, but I’m not afraid of that anymore.”

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