Page 39 of The Moment We Know

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PAIGE: Aww, thanks! I hope you didn’t spend too much money on them, though. They look like they were really expensive.

DAVID: Don’t you worry about that. They were actually pretty affordable and I got free shipping, too.

PAIGE: Speaking of which, having them delivered to me at work was awesome. I wouldn’t have been able to show them off to Andrea, otherwise.

Chapter 15

When David opened the door to his loft the next night to see Paige standing there, he blinked in surprise before stepping aside to let her in. She was flushed and a little jumpy, and for a moment he wondered if she was here to kill him over the mermaid lamps. Her pretense at liking them hadn’t fooled him for a second. In fact, it seemed more likely that she’d been just lulling him into a false sense of security, so that when she delivered the coup de grâce, he wouldn’t see it coming.

“I know you were going to pick me up at seven, but there’s been a change of plans,” Paige told him a little breathlessly.

Slowly closing the door, David looked her over, noting she’d obviously come straight from work. She was wearing navy, pin-striped pants with wide legs and a sleeveless, white blouse with navy trim around the collar and arm holes. A chunky silver watch adorned one slender wrist and delicate, silver hoops hung from both ears.

“I take it we’re not going bowling?” he asked.

“Fuck bowling.”

Slowly, her words sank in—words that were quite similar to the ones he’d issued a few days ago regarding the movie they were going to see. “Fuck bowling?”

She nodded. “I thought we’d do something else.”

“Yeah? Like what?”

“I’ll give you a hint,” Paige said. Then, taking a few steps forward until she was close enough to wrap herself around him, she whispered in his ear, “It rhymes with ‘blow job’.”

David’s eyebrows practically hit the ceiling at that atomic bomb. So, she wasn’t here to kill him, she was here to … blow him? “You want to give me a blow job?”

She nuzzled against his neck, nodding. “So, what do you say?”

This was a big deal. The number of times she’d gone down on him could be counted on one hand, and they’d all been impersonal and almost emotionless. At the time, he’d thought it was something Paige just didn’t have any interest in, since she hadn’t been a real fan of him going down on her, either, and oral sex had simply ceased to exist in their marriage. It was an intimacy they’d been robbed of (fuck you to hell and back, Carter!), but one that David had put on his secret ‘sex agreement’ wish list. It was a fairly long list, comprised of everything he wanted, from small things like hand-holding and making out, to the big kahuna burger, mind-blowing sex, with oral sex falling somewhere in the middle.

The other night with Paige had been a big step, but her wanting to go down on him was even bigger because of the potential trigger. However, instead of making a big deal out of it he decided to downplay it with some flirtation, and get her out of her head.

He gave an exaggerated shrug as if it didn’t matter one way or the other, even though his heart was hammering in his chest and every drop of blood seemed to be rushing to his southern hemisphere. “I say that before you do such a thing, I want to know why you want to do it.”

At that, Paige stopped nuzzling and slowly eased back. “You want me to explain why?”

He smiled at her confusion; she was definitely getting out of her head now. “Yes.”

“Why on earth would I need to do that?”

Not having expected that, he quickly scrambled for a decent answer. “Because I’ll be giving up a victory dinner, so my sacrifice needs to be for a good reason. That’s why.”

Even though he appeared to be serious, she knew he had to be messing with her, partly because of the overly arrogant way he’d claimed victory for a game they hadn’t even played yet, but also because no man in the history of the world had ever needed a reason for a blow job. “Sacrifice? Giving up a meal for a blow job isn’t really a sacrifice, is it?”

“Maybe. My victory dinner was going to be—” he broke off for a moment, completely blank, before he remembered what Evan always wanted as compensation for a favor. “A steak. An expensive one.”

She looked at him from under her lashes, all traces of nervousness gone. “Well, jeez, I didn’t expect to be put on the spot like this but if you really need a good reason, then I’d have to say because … I said so. That’s why.”

“Because you ‘said so’? Technically, that’s not a reason, let alone a good one—”

“Pants. Down. Now.”

He glanced around his entryway, a little taken aback, both at the demand and her tone, which would’ve made a dominatrix proud. “Here?”

Instead of answering his question, Paige pushed him back against the wall. Thankful for the perfectly placed throw rug, she kicked her heels off and sank to her knees while he watched with a heated, almost feral, gaze. She immediately attacked his belt with determined precision, followed by the button and zipper on his pants, fueled by how much she wanted to do this after literally spending days thinking about it.

Not even her aggravation over the mermaid lamps had killed her desire.

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