Page 245 of The Moment We Know

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“My boss is a pretty good guy. He’ll understand if I’m a few minutes late returning from lunch today.”

So, together, they started making FaceTime calls. The first was to Valerie, who was ecstatic and happy-cried during the entire call. The second was to Jules, who was ecstatic as well, but being Jules, wanted to know all the details, starting with when Paige thought she’d conceived. “Do you think it was on Halloween, when you guys did it while still wearing your costumes?”

“Oh, my God,” David muttered, from where he was sitting, just out of frame. “How did she know about that?”

Paige was about to shrug and pretend she had no clue, when Jules’s eyebrows drew together. “Is that David?”

“Yes, it’s David,” he replied loudly.


“You mean why is he here with me?” Paige asked. “Because it’s his news to share, too.”

Jules leaned closer so that her face filled the screen and whispered, “Get rid of him, so we can have a proper conversation.”

“I heard that,” David said.

Paige turned to him. “Why don’t you give us a few minutes?”

With a roll of his eyes, he obliged. When he was gone, the two women were able to have a ‘proper conversation’, which involved more hypothesizing about possible conception dates and ending up with Ashley’s fears about her nipples and vagina.

The third call was to Evan, who was thrilled at the good news, especially since he was apparently now going to win a bet he’d made with Evelyn.

“You made a bet about when we’d have a baby?” David asked.

“Technically, the bet was about when you’d conceive,” Evan clarified. “I said you’d have Cat Lady knocked up within six months, and Evelyn said it wouldn’t be for a year, because she thinks you have more self-control than you actually do. Damn, I can’t wait to tell her she’s wrong and take fifty bucks from her.”

“Well, congratulations on your win,” Paige said dryly.

“Thanks. So, when do you think the big moment was?”

Paige looked at David. “Why does everyone want to know that?”

“Because they have no boundaries.”

Evan ignored that. “I think it would be funny if it was on Halloween, when you guys were still in your costumes.”

It was her turn to ask, “How did he know about that?”

David was about to shrug and pretend he had no clue, when Evan started laughing. “Actually, what would be even funnier, is if you’d been dressed as Daphne, instead of Fred,” he told David. “You know, like you wanted. That would’ve been kinky.”

When it had come time to pick out their Halloween costumes, Paige had suggested a Scooby-Doo theme, with herself as Daphne, David as Fred, and Jacob as Shaggy. David, of course, had been interested in switching costumes with Paige, but knew Jacob would be confused, so he’d regretfully let the dream go.

“Oh, my God,” Paige sputtered, tamping down her amusement. “You’re sick.”

Later, when they sat down with Jacob to share the news, his response was rather subdued, so much so, that when it was time to put him to bed, Paige told David she wanted to do it alone.

“Are you okay?” she asked Jacob, after he was tucked into bed, with Marshmallow in a ball at his feet. “You’ve been really quiet since finding out about the baby.”

He pressed his lips together, then asked, “When you have the baby, will you love me … less?”

“Oh, Stinker, no.” She climbed onto the bed and settled on his other side so they were facing one another. “I promise there won’t ever be a day when I love you less. Not even on days when you’re being a pain in the rear end and don’t want to eat your broccoli.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure. In fact, I actually love you more every day.”

“You do?”

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