Page 231 of The Moment We Know

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Abruptly, David sat up and grabbed her, pulling her through the bubbling, churning water so she was straddling him.

“I got checked out under the hood and my gynecologist said everything looks fine,” she told him. “She doesn’t think there should be any problems on my end. What about you?”

“I got checked out, too, and my swimmers are healthy and abundant,” he said proudly.


“That’s what the doctor said.”

She glanced around at the swirling, hot water. “Well, they’re probably not going to be very abundant after this hot bath.”

“Shit, I hadn’t thought of that. I’ll have to make sure the next batch isn’t overcooked.”

The ridiculous conversation almost had her laughing. “Good idea.” Leaning forward so that she was resting firmly on his groin and her breasts were pressed against his chest, she gently licked his cleft with the tip of her tongue, before adding, “It also might be a good idea to get rid of the current batch as soon as possible … if you know what I mean.”

“Damn, I like the way you think,” he growled, holding onto her and surging to his feet, uncaring of the suds that came with them and slid down their bodies. Somewhat clumsily, he then semi-stumbled his way over to the bed and fell on it, while Paige giggled underneath him.

She didn’t know if it was being married, or the fact that they were actively trying to get pregnant, but sex became a little more frenzied, a little more meaningful. Each time they came together, it seemed to solidify their bond, and it was something entirely different than what they’d had before.

It was both overwhelming and reassuring. And a whole lot of fun.

The next two days they ventured outside to walk on the beach and take in Haystack Rock, then checked out the local stores, buying souvenirs for everyone, and generally being tourists. At night, they found new restaurants to dine in, then worked off as many of the calories as they could before falling asleep.

The only downside to their honeymoon was knowing how much Jacob was missing them. Paige figured it was partly because he’d never been away from David for this long, partly because Jacob had become attached to Paige, and partly due to some lingering abandonment issues because of Ashley.

Each night after dinner, Paige and David FaceTimed with Jacob, to hear about his day, but on the fourth day, the FaceTime request came in during mid-afternoon, right in the middle of a round of sex. When they heard the unmistakable sound of the request, it took them a few seconds to realize what it was, and to react. Paige had learned months ago that calls from Valerie were always answered, especially when she was watching Jacob, so when David reached for his phone, Paige was neither surprised, nor offended.

David answered, making sure she was out of frame so she could get some clothes on, realizing belatedly that he looked like he’d been getting roughed up when he saw his face come onscreen. He quickly smoothed his hair the best he could as Valerie mouthed ‘Sorry’ from behind Jacob, who was sitting on her lap.

“Hey, Little Man,” David said, sounding pretty normal, all things considering. “What’s going on?”

Jacob started talking, and it was obvious to David that he wasn’t having a good day. The little boy seemed listless and down, and he only brightened up a little when Paige came onscreen. After the conversation, Valerie stayed on to talk privately with David and Paige, explaining that Jacob had been missing them a lot, and wanted to talk to them earlier than normal.

As soon as they disconnected the FaceTime call, Paige announced, “Let’s go home tomorrow.”

“You want to go home three days early?”

“Yes. I don’t want Jacob missing us like he is. And honestly, I miss him, too, and I want to start living our life together as a family.”

“Okay,” David said, pleased, and completely on board with the suggestion. “We’ll leave first thing in the morning and go home to our boy.”

Our boy. She blinked at him, her heart kicking up a notch, the words hanging in the air between them. She could see that he’d used the words on purpose, and they weren’t an accident.

She smiled. “Okay.”

David picked up his phone and texted Evan.

DAVID: Change of plans. We’re now coming home tomorrow and I was wondering if you could help me move Paige into my place a few days early.

DICK: Oh, my God.

DICK: Are you actually ASKING me … instead of TELLING me?

DAVID: Shit, I am.

DICK: Hang on. I really want to savor the hell out of this moment.

DAVID: Take your time.

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