Page 227 of The Moment We Know

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“Really?” Mrs. Harte smiled. “Do tell.”

Sensing the women were going to have a conversation he didn’t want to hear, he excused himself and left them to it, then went in search of his bride. He found her talking to Evan and Evelyn, with Jacob glued to Paige’s side, her hand resting on the top of his head.

Through it all, Kim moved around the room, taking pictures. She’d suggested to David they all be candid shots, not staged, mainly for Paige’s benefit, but also because Kim thought they would be more fun. She was able to get amazing shot after shot during the ceremony, as well as during the reception, one with Paige kneeling down and hugging Jacob, and one of David gazing at Paige while she was talking to one of the guests.

After champagne was served, it was time for the toasts to be made, with Jules going first. “I’ve known Paige for almost half my life, so I can say, with complete certainty, that I’ve never seen her this happy before. So, here’s to my girl, and the man who makes her happy—and better continue to make her happy if he knows what’s good for him. Cheers!”

Evan, going next, seemed unusually bashful, clearing his throat a few times before speaking. “I told David a little over a year ago, that I wanted him to have the fairy tale and the happily-ever-after, because he deserved more than a life that was just ‘fine’. I’m glad to see he’s gotten the fairy tale and seems on track for the happily-ever-after with his Cat Lady. Long live the Lowes!”

After everyone ate, and the cake was cut and served, it was early evening, time for guests to start leaving. Valerie, who was going to take Jacob to her place for the next week was one of the last to leave, and Paige and David walked out to the car to say goodbye to Jacob. His suitcase had been packed that morning and given to Valerie, so he could go directly to her house that night.

David squatted down, getting eye level with Jacob. “Have a good time with Grandma and remember she’s the boss while Paige and I are gone.”

Jacob looked a little forlorn that both David and Paige were leaving. “I know.”

“You can FaceTime us each night and let us know what you’ve been up to, okay?”


David gave him a hug and a kiss. “I love you.”

“Love you, too,” Jacob returned.

When it was Paige’s turn, she felt her heart squeeze at leaving him, even if it was only for a week. “I’ll miss you, but we’ll be back before you know it.”

“I’ll miss you, too.”

“You sure?”

Jacob nodded.

“How much?”

“A lot.”

“That’s all?”

“A really lot.”

“That’s better.” She gave him a hug and a smacking kiss on his cheek. “I love you, Stinker.”

“Love you, too, Paige.”

Chapter 89

After Valerie had driven off with Jacob, David took Paige’s hand and they headed to Three Amigos to continue the reception, this time with some alcohol and dancing. As they were walking into the bar, with Jules leading the way, she nudged Paige and pointed to the small stage set up in the corner, who immediately recognized the band and the bass player who’d bought her a drink six months ago.

“What is it?” David asked, glancing over at the band who was in the middle of playing “Sweet Home Alabama”.

“It’s the local band we’ve seen before,” Paige answered, as they took seats at the bar.

“They’re pretty good,” he said, actually rather pleased. When he’d been told a live band would be playing their regular two-hour set that Wednesday night, a plan had formed in his head, one he hoped would work.

“Yeah, they are,” Jules said, with a wry smile, before leaning toward Paige and saying in her ear, “The drummer was lousy in bed, by the way.”

“He was?” Paige returned, in Jules’s ear. “You didn’t tell me you slept with him.”

“There wasn’t anything worth telling.”

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