Page 201 of The Moment We Know

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“Seemed like every weekend, man. And when he was there, we could only fuck when he was asleep, so he was a total cock-block. Not anymore, though,” Liam added with a grin as he took the can of Bud from the waitress, then checked out her ass when she walked away.

“I still can’t believe she gave away her kid like that,” his friend said. “Seems kind of cold.”

Liam shrugged, uncaring. “I don’t think she was that attached to him, to be honest. I’m pretty sure she got knocked up to get the ring, if you know what I mean? And that didn’t work out for her, so …”

“Jesus. What if she tries that with you?”

“Bitch can try all she wants, but I made sure that can’t happen years ago when I got snipped, because I’m not stupid. Last thing I want is a kid … or to have to fork over money for an abortion. Those aren’t cheap, you know.”

David had never thought he’d hate anyone more than Carter, but Liam, firmly entrenched on the far end of the douchebag spectrum, was a real close second.

Tonight was definitely the night.

Having heard enough, David got up and left to go sit in the parking lot, waiting for any pangs of conscience to make him put the brakes on, but none came. He did feel a little bad for Ashley, but it wasn’t enough to change his mind, because ultimately she’d chosen Liam—and chosen him over her own son—so any sympathy he had dissipated like a fart in the wind.

Luckily, David only had to wait about thirty minutes before Liam came out with his friend. They talked briefly before parting ways, each heading to their respective cars. David watched Liam carefully, noting that he seemed steady, despite having thrown back three beers, possibly four.

David started his car, then listened as the Chevelle roared to life; it really was a cool fucking car.

After Liam pulled out, David did the same, then called 911 on the burner phone he’d purchased specifically for this purpose. When the dispatcher answered and asked what his emergency was, he told her, “I’m following a red Chevelle, south on Jefferson, and it’s weaving. I don’t know if the driver is drunk or if something is wrong.”

Liam was actually driving fairly well, but that didn’t matter; it only mattered what the breathalyzer would show. David gave the operator the license plate number before disconnecting the call, and then continued to follow Liam.

It wasn’t long before flashing lights passed David and Liam was pulled over. David drove on by, only to circle back and pull into a deserted strip mall and park, killing his lights but keeping the radio on. With a virtually unobstructed view of the Walmart parking lot across the street (except for any cars driving by), he was able to watch as Liam was asked to step out of his vehicle and proceed to argue with one of the officers.

As Liam got increasingly belligerent, David sat and watched like a kid at the movies, thoroughly enjoying himself until the beginning notes of “We Built This City” came through the speakers. “Jesus Christ,” he muttered, immediately turning the radio off, not wanting anything to ruin the moment as Liam grudgingly submitted to taking a breathalyzer test. Moments later, David was grinning from ear-to-ear at the sight of Liam getting arrested and being put in the back of the police cruiser.

“You think the fucking brat was a pain in your ass? His dad is worse,” David murmured with satisfaction, as the black-and-white left the parking lot and drove past him. “Enjoy your DUI, motherfucker.”

Once Liam was out of sight, David pulled out into traffic and headed home, stopping briefly at a convenience store to break the burner phone and throw the pieces away in a dumpster.

The next morning, as David was looking through some proofs from a photo shoot, he received a call from an unknown number on his cell phone.

He was pretty sure it was Ashley, but answered with a hint of hesitation. “Hello?”

“Did you have anything to do with it?”

It was definitely her, but again, David went with hesitation. “Ashley?”

“Yes. Who else would it be?”

“I didn’t know, that’s why I was asking,” he said blandly. “I deleted your contact info, so you came up as unknown caller.”


“Yes. Now, what do you want? I doubt you’re calling to check on Jacob, so—”

“Did you have anything to do with it?” Ashley repeated.

He laced his voice with confusion. “To do with what, exactly?”

“Liam’s DUI.”

“What are you talking about?”

“He got a DUI last night.”

“He did?”

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