Page 200 of The Moment We Know

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To David’s amusement, Liam posted more pictures of the Chevelle than he did of him and Ashley, making it clear who owned his heart … and it was then that David was struck by inspiration.

For the next several weeks, with Valerie helping out by watching Jacob for an hour here and there, David engaged in a little reconnaissance, cruising past the Tap and making note of the days Liam was usually there, and for how long. One night, seeing the Chevelle in the parking lot, David went inside to look around and watch Liam in his element, quickly coming to the conclusion it wasn’t unusual for Liam to have three or four beers under his belt before leaving the bar. And while he never seemed inebriated, it was still possible that he was over the legal alcohol limit.

After thinking through a few revenge scenarios—and observing Liam in the bar several times—David came up with a solution that not only checked off most of his boxes, but would also keep his ass out of jail.

One night, with his hair up and a trucker’s hat on his head, David went to the Tap and sat as close to Liam as he dared. David wanted to try and listen in on the conversation Liam was having with a friend, but didn’t want to be seen, since David didn’t know if he’d be recognized. Up close, Liam was even better looking, which only pissed David off more, because monsters were supposed to look like monsters.

However, the minute David got an earful of Liam’s conversation with his friend in a Chicago Bears hoodie, David came to the realization that sometimes monsters sounded like monsters, instead.

“So, how’s that hot piece of ass you’ve been seeing?” Liam’s friend asked.

“Which one?”

David, seated at the bar several feet away, raised his eyebrows at hearing Liam had more than one ‘hot piece of ass’.

“The one you said gives head like a pro,” the friend answered, then clarified with, “The one who looks like the pornstar version of Megan Fox, and has a kid.”

“Oh. Ashley.”

“Yeah, she’s hot. She doesn’t even look like she’s had a kid.”

“For the most part, yeah. I mean, she’s got a few stretch marks, but you can’t really see them. And the kid was on the bottle, so her tits are still good.”

“You’ve been seeing her for what, a couple of months? You must like her.”

“She’s all right.”

“She must be more than ‘all right’ if you’re willing to put up with her kid.”

Liam grinned. “Actually, I no longer have to put up with her kid, so ...”

“What do you mean?”

“She doesn’t have him anymore.”

“What do you mean, she doesn’t have him anymore? What’d she do with him?”

Discreetly, David glanced over to see Liam signaling the waitress for another beer before answering his friend. “She gave her ex full custody.”

“Shit, really? Why?”

“I don’t know. All I know is the kid’s fucking gone.”

“You seem happy about that.”

“Because I am.”

“Was he that bad?”

“The kid was a fucking brat. Cried a lot, too. And he wet the bed all the time.”

David’s entire body stiffened at the contempt and derision in Liam’s voice, and decided tonight was the night.

“How old is he?” the friend asked.

“Fuck if I know. Four? Five? Too old to be wetting the bed, that’s for goddamn sure. Thankfully, he’s no longer a pain in my ass. I hated it when he stayed with her.”

“How often was that?”

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