Page 160 of The Moment We Know

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“Are you serious?”

“Sorry. Low hanging fruit.”

“No. I meant, after everything I told you, that’s your response?”

“Well, I’d like to add that compared to your life, mine seems pretty tame. Oh, and you should probably get your hand looked at by a doctor.”

“You’re not going to tell me I’m an asshole?”

“No. But I can understand why Cat Lady might think you are, so you’ll definitely need to make amends.”

David released an annoyed breath. “I know. That’s why I’m asking you for pointers on how to make them.”

“Right,” Evan said. “And if I think of any, I’ll let you know.”

Chapter 64

David’s plan to spend some time with Paige the next morning before she went to work went to hell when he slept in until almost noon. With a groan, he reached over and grabbed his phone with his good hand and saw he had a message from her.

PAIGE: How are you feeling? How’s your hand?

David glanced at his hand, which still looked—and felt—like it had been smashed in a door.

DAVID: It’s a little sore. But not as bad as it was last night.

Because she was at work, he didn’t expect to hear back from her for a little while, but she responded almost immediately.

PAIGE: Really?


He watched the three little dots dance for a few seconds before disappearing. Then, to his surprise, she was sending him a FaceTime request, and for the first time, he knew what it felt like to be on the receiving end of one, and be less than thrilled by it. Reluctantly, he accepted the call.

“I want to see your hand,” she said, in lieu of a greeting.

“I told you, it’s—”

“I don’t care what you told me. Show it to me.”

With a sigh, he held his hand up. As she saw how swollen it still was, along with the dark bruising, her eyes widened in horror.

“You need to go to Urgent Care immediately and have it looked at,” she told him. “It looks terrible.”

“It looks worse than it feels.”

Paige stared at him for several moments. “Here’s what’s going to happen. You’re going to go to Urgent Care and be seen by a doctor, one way or another. You can either take yourself there like a grown-up, or you can be dragged there like a child by me, when I get off work at midnight. I highly recommend the first way, because the second way will really make me angry.”

“You win,” he relented with a smile. “I’ll go.”

“No bullshit?”

“No bullshit. I promise.”

“Good. Let me know what the doctor says.”

“I will.”

After taking a quick shower and getting dressed, he washed down a small handful of Motrin with a glass of water while Sputnik sat on the kitchen island and watched. David then took a few minutes to scratch the cat behind his ears before making another ice pack, and heading to Urgent Care.

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