Page 143 of The Moment We Know

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“Liam is not a prick.”

“Yes, he is, and fuck you for not telling me about him.”

She made an ugly face. “And how long were you seeing Paige before you told me about her?”

“That was different.”

“Why? Because you’re a hypocrite?”

“No, because she never came in contact with Jacob during any of that time. There was no reason to tell you until that was going to change, and when it did change, I told you right away, so you’d be aware of who I was bringing into your son’s life—before I did it, I might add. You never gave me that same courtesy. You brought Liam into Jacob’s life probably right after you two started banging, subjecting Jacob to weekend visits with that man, instead of simply not seeing Liam when your son stayed with you.” David exhaled in angry frustration, the red jasper worry stone in his pocket forgotten. “I mean, for Christ’s sake, did you really need dick so much you couldn’t go without it for two weekends a month?”

Ashley glared at him. “You’re such an asshole.”

“I’m an asshole? Remember when I asked for full custody and you told me only getting to see Jacob during supervised daytime visits on the weekends wouldn’t be enough? That you needed more time with him and wanted all his visits to be overnight? Such bullshit. You ended up cutting back from eight days to six, then down to four. Four days. And then you left him with a babysitter a lot of that time, because you couldn’t make him your sole focus during his visitations.

“So, this time I’m not asking for full custody. I’m asking for sole custody. And honestly …” he paused to tilt his head for a moment. “I’m not really asking.”

Her mouth opened, then closed. “Now I understand why you’re making such a fucking fuss over that—” she broke off, making a face and motioning to Lauren’s reports with a dismissive hand.

“Just so you know, Lauren actually had to report that—” he motioned to the reports, as well, then finished with, “—to the authorities.”

“What?” Ashley’s entire body stilled. “What ‘authorities’?”

“Child Protective Services, I believe.”

“Jesus Christ.”

The sight of her, clearly horrified, probably should’ve garnered some sympathy, but it didn’t, mainly because it was the first sign she was taking this seriously. “Because of her profession, Lauren’s legally obligated to report any suspicions of child abuse, as well as any findings.” He let that simmer for a moment, before continuing. “However, since CPS is overwhelmed and understaffed, it was determined that an official investigation wouldn’t be opened—”


David nodded, the noticeable tremor in her voice also failing to garner any sympathy. “But if there had been one, you possibly could’ve been charged with neglect or negligence, both of which are misdemeanors—”


“That’s right. Your boyfriend, however, could’ve been charged with two felonies, for emotional and physical abuse of a minor—”


Ashley’s face actually paled at the word ‘felonies’ in relation to Liam, making it abundantly clear that all of her concern was for what could’ve happened to him, rather than what had actually happened to Jacob. Which, while David found it reprehensible, it was also something he could use.

“That’s right. But, fortunately for you and Liam, CPS was willing to let that—” he motioned to the reports, “—go. Unfortunately for you and Liam, though, I’m not willing to let that—” he motioned to the reports again, just to be annoying, “—go. Not at all.”

David gave her a hard look. “I’ve played nice for too long, hoping you’d step up and become the mother Jacob needs, but I’m done with that shit. I want sole custody, and I’m prepared to take you to court to get it. Because that—” he motioned to the reports yet again, “will not be repeated. Not by you, or Liam, or whoever your next douchebag boyfriend might be.”

Ashley’s face took on an angry flush as she glared at him.

“Don’t give me that resting bitch face,” he told her coldly, Hale’s line from that night at Bender’s coming in handy. “Your boyfriend hit our son and called him shitty names, which should make you want to rip Liam’s balls off, like I want to rip his balls off. It obviously doesn’t, though, because you’re not the mother Jacob needs. And if I take you to court to get custody, I’ll make that clear to the judge.

“I’ll tell them you basically let me raise Jacob when we were together and that I paid for everything. I’ll tell them how, after we split—for reasons I’ll have no problem disclosing—your irresponsibility and poor judgment put Jacob directly in the path of your prick boyfriend, which resulted in Jacob being called shitty names and getting hurt. I’ll show the judge these reports, so they can understand what Jacob went through while under your supervision during the four days a month he stayed with you.

“I’ll inform the judge that when I told you about what happened to our son, you asked if it was a joke and didn’t believe me, and then you accused Jacob of making it all up for attention … proving again that you’re not the mother he needs.”

David paused for a moment, to take a cleansing breath before going into his final push. “It’s obvious you don’t really love him, Ash—”

“How can you say that?” she protested. “Of course I love him.”

The absurdity of that statement almost had David scoffing out loud. “How can I say that? I’ve been here—” he glanced down at his watch, “—a little over twenty minutes. And in all that time, you haven’t even bothered to ask me about Jacob, about how he’s been since the last time you saw him, which was three weeks ago. Nor have you texted or called me during that time to check on him … information the judge will also be interested in.”

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