Page 130 of The Moment We Know

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Paige squeezed him tight for a moment, before pulling back and giving him a soft kiss. He kissed her back, and then, to her amusement, pushed her over to the waffle maker again, so she could resume making dinner.

After stealing another piece of bacon, he decided to be useful and began gathering plates, glasses, and utensils to set the table with. As he was finishing, Mrs. Harte and Jacob appeared in the kitchen doorway.

“I hope it’s time to eat, because I’m starving,” Mrs. Harte announced good-naturedly. Then, seeing Jacob’s face, clarified, “Sorry. We’re starving. Aren’t we, young man?”

Jacob nodded.

“Everything’s ready, except for the last few waffles,” Paige told them.

Jacob’s eyes brightened with surprised glee. “Waffles? For dinner?”

David smiled at Jacob’s animation, grateful that he seemed really excited, even if it was because of waffles.

“You didn’t tell him we were having brinner?” Paige asked David.

“No. I didn’t want to spoil the surprise.”

Jacob was now looking confused. “What’s brinner?”

“It’s when you have breakfast for dinner,” she explained. “Some people think it’s even better than linner.”

Overcome with excitement once again, Jacob started to race over to the table, only to be stopped by a pair of hands on his shoulders. “Little Man, why don’t we go wash your hands first?” David suggested.

“That’s a good idea,” Paige said. “Especially since you might end up eating most of your brinner with them.”

While David and Jacob were in the bathroom, Mrs. Harte insisted on arranging all the food on the table while Paige finished the waffles. When the last one was done, she was pleased with the effort she’d put in, especially when Jacob returned and gazed with childish delight at the spread that was laid out: whipped cream, strawberries, peanut butter, bananas, honey, syrup, bacon, and scrambled eggs.

Because Paige didn’t have a booster seat, she grabbed a pillow from the couch for Jacob to sit on, and once seated, he waited impatiently for everyone else to sit down. As soon as they were, Paige, who was sitting next to him, grabbed two waffles, one in each hand.

“My best friend, Jules, always makes waffle sandwiches,” she told Jacob.

“Waffle sandwiches?”

“That’s right. You want to see how it’s done?”

Jacob nodded.

She proceeded to make a sandwich with the two waffles, loading peanut butter, honey, and banana slices inside, while Jacob observed with interest. When she was finished, she set it on her plate and raised her eyebrows at him. “You want one?”

“Yes, please.”

“Do you want one like mine, or one with strawberries and whipped cream?”

“Strawberries and whipped cream. And bananas,” he added. “Please.”

Paige quickly made a waffle sandwich to Jacob’s specifications, and held it out to him, making sure he got both hands on it before letting go. She then picked hers up, and together, they began to eat.

Chapter 53

The following Wednesday, after leaving Jacob at the loft with his favorite babysitter, Casey, David met Paige at Lauren’s office a little after 6 p.m. Jacob’s third appointment had been the day before, and when it was over, Lauren had told David it was time for them to talk, much to his relief.

The moment he and Paige stepped inside the waiting room, Lauren immediately enveloped Paige in an emotional hug that seemed to last five minutes. When the two women finally separated, both were wearing affectionate smiles.

“It’s so good to see you,” Lauren said.

“You, too,” Paige returned.

Lauren looked her over, taking in Paige’s casual, yet flattering work ensemble: a flowing, ankle-length, black skirt, topped by a button-down, white linen shirt with the sleeves rolled to the elbows, and a wide, brown leather belt. “I can’t believe how happy and healthy you look. It’s … quite transformative.”

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