Page 32 of Second Chance at Us

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I shook my head and pushed the thoughts aside. I didn’t have time for that. Allowing myself to give in to fantasies of Darcy would only make me late for my interview. Instead, I switched the water to cold and grabbed the soap so I could finish rinsing off.

“And how are you finding your time back home?” Wesley asked. His words brought me back to the radio station and the interview I was in the middle of completing. I turned on my phone and flipped to the email my team had sent me with the questions. I was relieved to see we were nearly finished.

“It’s always wonderful to be home,” I said, reading the words from the email. “I try to get back every chance I get.” But even as I said them, I realized how false they sounded. It had been years since I was back home, and these words made it sound like a frequent thing. I felt a bit of resentment building in my chest. After all, my manager and my team were the ones who kept my schedule booked with tours and recording sessions and never allowed me to visit family. How hypocritical of them to portray me as some guy popping home every other weekend.

I paused for a moment and Wesley looked at me. He was clearly expecting a longer response, and it was true the team had given me a full paragraph about the people from my hometown being some of the best fans, and how I found inspiration for my writing when I traveled. But I felt rebellion inside of me. I didn’t know if it was anger toward my team or deep guilt over how things ended with Darcy this morning, but I was suddenly speaking words that were well off script.

“Actually, Wes, this trip home has been a very meaningful one.”

“How so?” Wesley asked. I saw him sit up. He recognized right away that I was abandoning the careful words the marketing team had sent me. He probably saw an opportunity to gain some exclusive information.

“Well, I’ve met someone.”

I could hardly believe I said it. But now that the words were out there, there was no turning back. I could only hope Darcy was listening. Maybe she would hear this and give me a second chance.

“Actually, I didn’t just meet her,” I clarified. “I’ve reconnected with someone I knew a long time ago. And she’s just as amazing as I remember her.”

“Well, now!” Wesley said. “Does this mean the rock star might be settling down? Are you about to break the hearts of millions of girls out there?”

I winced at the words, hating his insinuation that I was a player. But I knew it was the public perception. I heard Brady’s voice in my head, telling me that sex sells.

“It means I’m interested in putting down some roots. I’ve been on the road for a long time without a home base. I’ve been thinking lately that it might be good to be here a bit more permanently.”

“But what would that mean for your band?” Wesley asked.

“It doesn’t have to mean anything,” I said. Suddenly it felt like I was speaking to my bandmates, trying to convince them that this change didn’t need to be a bad thing. “I’ll still go out on tour, and we’re still planning to write new music and get back into the recording studio. It just means I’ll have a home near people I love.”

Whoops, I thought. Was that too far?

I was thinking of Liz and my niece and nephew when I said it. Would Darcy think I meant something else? Would it scare her even more to believe I was thinking about this? I couldn’t dwell on it. Instead, I barreled forward.

“In fact, I’m thinking of opening a recording studio in town.”

“Well, that’s exciting news!” Wesley said. “You heard it here first, folks, on KNW.”

“That way the band could come to Maplewood to record our next album. And it could be a spot for other artists who need time away from the city. We could show others how great Maplewood is. Maybe make this place a true artists’ retreat.”

“Wow!” Wesley said. “And what’s the timeline? When can Maplewood expect more celebrities walking our sidewalks?”

“Well, I found a building I love. I can’t get into too many details yet, but it’s a property with tons of potential. And a lot of historic elements. That’s why I like the place so much, because I can maintain the history of the place and make it unique. This won’t be some clean and modern recording studio with no character.”

“And you’re sure you can’t tell us the location? I’m sure everyone in town is dying to know!”

“Not now,” I said. I felt a brief panic that I might have said too much. Darcy was already angry at me for putting an offer in on the hardware store. But I thought maybe this interview could show her that I didn’t want to destroy the thing her father and grandfather built. I saw it as my opportunity to get through to her. I knew she was too angry with me to let me speak to her face-to-face. If she could hear this radio interview, though, maybe I could make her understand.

“Sorry, I can’t tell you the details. I want to be respectful of the current owner of the place. The building’s been in her family for a number of years, and I would never do anything to disrespect the building or her family. But I can say that I will do everything in my power to make it a building that Maplewood and the family can be proud of.”

“Wow! What exciting news from Callum Jones. You heard it here, folks—Maplewood might be the next recording capital of the world! And now, enjoy Callum Jones and the Horizon with their hit single ‘Undercover’.”



Iclicked off the car radio as Callum’s voice began to sing through my speakers. I was still shocked from what I had just heard, overwhelmed that he would say all of that on the radio. Did this mean he was actually serious about staying in town?

I rolled down my window and breathed in the smell of wet dirt from all the rain yesterday. I let the air rush over my face as I tried not to think about the warm, solid presence of Callum sleeping beside me last night. I was headed to Everett, the town next to ours. An office building had just been listed, and I had a chance to see it before anyone else did.

Liz and I had spent the past six months discussing the possibility of an office space in Everett. It would give us a spot to meet with clients instead of them having to drive out to Maplewood. And, based on market research, the real estate market in Everett was about to explode.

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