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I pull out and we drive a little way toward the Clubhouse. I don’t see, nor hear the line of bikers surrounding me until it’s too late.

One taps on the window of the car with the butt of their gun, motioning for me to pullover, while several others surround me with their guns drawn. Fuck. These guys aren’t the Royal Bastards. The nasty skull tattoos on their necks give that away. Not this, not again. I don’t know if I can handle this again. I don’t know who these guys are, but I’m not liking this one bit. Thankfully they aren’t Bloody Scorpions. Those guys are like cockroaches, squish one and three more pop up in their place.

“Pull over, now, Kensi.” The guy tapping on my window shouts over the wind.

“Kensi, don’t do it.” Dad pleads with me.

I gun the gas, attempting to hit one of them when a shot rings out and shatters the back window. I duck and scream while trying to drive and my dad slumps over in his seat. We are so close to the Clubhouse, I can see the gate in the distance. Another shot rings out and I start to lose control. I keep going with both hands tight on the steering wheel as bullet after bullet rips through the car. My hands are shaking and tears are streaming down my face as I try to keep it under control. My dad isn’t moving and there’s a pool of blood forming on his shirt. I reach over with shaky fingers and feel for a pulse. Big mistake on my part. I can’t hold onto the steering wheel with one hand while the car shakes. I completely lose control of the car and we roll end over end.

“Fuck!” I scream as my head bounces off the steering wheel. Thankfully the seatbelt holds me in place, but I can feel the stitches in my side rip. I brace my hands on the roof, waiting for the car to stop rolling. When it finally comes to a stop, I slam on the horn as hard as I can, hopefully getting the attention of the Royal Bastards.

Blood is pouring down my face and into my eyes, making my vision blurry. I keep pounding on the horn until I can’t move my arms anymore and my world gets dark. The rumble of bikes in the distance echoes around me but I can’t move to see who it is.

It’s either Aftermath and he is saving me, yet again, or it’s the other bikers and they’re going to kill me. Either way, I can’t stay awake any longer to find out.

Chapter 8


After I discovered Kensi’s phone, I went straight to Capone and he called in Red. Red took her phone and I haven’t seen him since. My blood pressure is rising with every passing second. I don’t know why she’d keep this a secret from us, but I don’t blame her either.

Even though this looks like a betrayal, it doesn’t feel like one. I should know what it is to be betrayed by someone I trusted. The jagged scar on my face proves it.

Tiny, Trigger, Blayze, Torch, Derange, Dagger, Capone and I are sitting at the table, waiting for Red. Red comes into Church like his ass is on fire and slides into his seat, his laptop and Kensi’s phone gripped tightly against his chest. He nods to Capone and Capone slams his gavel on the scarred oak.

“Red what did you find out?” Capone isn’t beating around the bush and I appreciate it.

“Kensi has been using her grandmother’s maiden name, Anderson, which is why I didn’t find anything when she first arrived. She had it changed a few years ago before she went missing from Virginia. According to what I could hack into, Kensi’s mom and brother left her father a year after she went missing. Her mom thought her dad had something to do with it, but according to the FBI, he didn’t.”

“What does the FBI have to do with anything?” Tiny asks.

Red rolls his eyes from being interrupted and adjusts his glasses. He’s in his element revealing shit he’s discovered. His face hasn’t flamed red once yet. “As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted.” He gives Tiny a pointed look and Tiny holds his hands up. “According to the FBI, Agent Donovan, or Kensi’s dad didn’t have anything to do with her missing. It’s all documented, she went to him when her friend Beth Sponseller went missing. He took it to his director and the director shut him down. Told him women run away all the time. If he pursued this, then Donovan would be out on his ass faster than he could blink. When Kensi went missing, Donovan started investigating again and someone is trying to pin these missing girls on Donovan. He has been stripped of his badge, gun and credentials until this mess gets cleared up.”

“Did he find Beth Sponseller?” Dagger asks.

Red shakes his head, “No but...” Red trails off and types something on his laptop. “Beth’s little girl has been found.” He turns his laptop and shows us.

“Holy fuck. Is that Aerial?” Blayze roars.

“Yes,” Red confirms. “That’s why Kensi has been stuck like glue to her lately. Aerial is her missing friend's little girl. Aerial isn’t her real name, it’s Sabrina. The girls didn’t know what to call her and she always talked about the Little Mermaid movie. Said it was her mom’s favorite. Since no one knew what happened to her mom and she wouldn’t tell anyone her name, they started calling her Aerial.”

Fuck, my life. First, I’m pissed she didn’t tell me about her dad, then I sympathize with all the shit she’s been through, now I’m agitated she took off and didn’t tell me after I poured my heart out to her last night. This just keeps getting better and better. “Do you know where Kensi is now?”

“She was last seen at the airport. I’ve been tracking her since she took the Hellcat. She must not have known we have GPS systems in all our cars and bikes.” Red answers.

“Either that or she wants us to know where she is.” Derange chimes in. He’s more optimistic than I am.

“Could be.” Capone agrees. “Maybe she doesn't trust her Ol’ man as much as we think she does. He did burn her in the past.”

“Shit, Prez. I’m sorry I don’t mean to cut you off,” Red apologizes. “But look.” He turns the laptop around and my heart drops to my toes.

The cameras attached to the windshield of the Hellcat comes to life and there are ten bikers surrounding it. The inside camera is facing Kensi driving and her dad slumped in the passenger seat. When the bikes break off from around her, bullets start flying and Kensi screams. She does all she can to keep the car on the road. I watch as tears pour down her face and she lets go of the steering wheel with one hand to check her dad. Horror fills my vision as she loses control of the car and it flips. Both cameras go blank and I’m out of my seat in an instant, desperate to get to Tiger.

“Where is she?” Panic laces my voice.

Red starts typing fast on his laptop. He looks up just when banging on the door startles me. Derange opens the door and a prospect falls inside. “She’s right outside.”

“Capone, come quick.” the prospect says at the same time as Red.

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