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I push the button above my head on the visor and the electric gate buzzes and rolls open. Capone had each car and bike equipped with an opener after the attack on the Clubhouse a couple of years ago.

Once the gates open, I punch the gas, making the rear end squirrel. I shoot off into the rising sun, sending up a prayer that Aftermath will forgive me for what I’m doing.

I should send him a text, just as a show of good. I reach into my back pocket for my phone and it’s not there. What the fuck? I lift my ass, and feel around, but it’s not there. Shit. I dropped my phone and have no idea where.

My heart races as the possibilities of what could happen filter through my mind if someone finds my phone and I can’t explain who my dad is. Nothing I can do about it now. If they find my phone, I’ll have to deal with the consequences.

I make it to the airport in good time and pull up to the loading bay and wait. The sun is rising higher and higher in the sky. Cars come and go, and I still sit here waiting. Where could he be? Shutting off the car, I make my way into the terminal. I can’t go further than the luggage claim and car rental but the flight schedule is flipping as it changes. I spot my dad's flight and see it was delayed. I exhale a long breath of relief. He should be coming any time soon.

I watch as passengers hurry past each other without a care in the world. Some wait for their luggage, some keep on rolling by to flag down a bus or cab. Finally, after standing here watching for him for an hour, my dad comes into view. He has a small carryon he’s pulling behind him. His dark hair is messy and the suit he’s always worn is disheveled and wrinkly. He lost a lot of weight and dark circles under his eyes. I can’t help but think this is my fault. If I didn’t go off on my own, he wouldn’t be so stressed or look so ragged. He looks around the airport until his eyes land on me. A smile tugs at his lips and his eyes that match mine, one green, one blue with brown inside, glimmer with happiness.

He hurries his pace, his dress shoes clicking on the linoleum until he’s standing in front of me. His strong hands grip my shoulders as he looks me over from head to toe. “Lil K. Are you OK? What happened? I’ve been worried sick about you. I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you when you told me about your friend. Then you go missing and I didn’t know what to do.” He’s rambling and that isn’t like him.

“Dad, I’m OK now. I’ve dealt with what happened to me. It’s not your fault.” My throat closes up and tears sting my eyes but I swallow the heartache back. That’s all I can say so I don’t break down crying. He tries to embrace me in a hug, but I hold my hands up stopping him. “We need to go. I have things to tell you but I can’t do it here.”

I spin on my heels and head for the exit. Dad keeps up with my quick pace, his carryon dragging behind him. “OK, Lil, K. We’ll do this your way.” Always the negotiator. My nerves are on edge from his words.

“Damn right we are. This is my show now, Dad. I asked for help and you didn’t give it to me. I get it wasn’t your fault and your hands were tied, but now you’re on my turf and your hands aren’t tied.” I look behind him to make sure we aren’t followed by someone in the Bureau and I unlock the car. “Get in. I’ll explain on the way.”

“Where are we going?” He asks.

I cock an eyebrow. “You’ll see.” I climb in the driver’s seat as he gets in the passenger side. I start the car and take off. Once we get away from L.A. traffic, I slow down and begin my story. I tell him how Beth was taken, and how I found who did it. I tell him about how the Bloody Scorpions kidnapped me and tortured me for months. I don’t tell him what all they did to me though. That’s something a dad doesn’t need to know.

Shock is on his face. “How did you get out?”

“Danyella was there and her brother found us.” Being vague on saying much about the Royal Bastards, my loyalty to them is strong. “That’s not important. What is important is another friend of mine is missing. I know who did it, but I don’t know where they took her. Which leads me to where we are going.”

“Will you tell me where we’re going now?” Dad asks.

“The scene of the crime.” I answer and pull into the strip club. The building looks the same from the outside as it did a few days ago. I shut the car off and it’s quiet.

“I need a few more details.”

“Why? I told you all you needed to know. This is where she was last seen. Work your magic and tell me where she went.” I demand.

I open the car door and dad’s hand shoots out, grabbing my wrist. “Lil K, wait.”

“No Dad. There is no time to wait.” I cut him off. “I don’t know what is happening to Nadia, but I know sitting here isn’t helping her.”

“Why didn’t you ask the people who saved you for help?” Dad asks.

I inhale a deep breath and slowly release it. “Because if I did, they’d find out who you are and they don’t get along with the law very well.”

“What does that mean? Are you in trouble, Kensi?”

“No Dad, I’m not the one in trouble. Either you are going to help me or you’re not. If you’re not, say so now and I’ll go alone. The last person I want to involve is Aftermath or the rest of them. They don’t deserve to be involved after everything they've been through the last few years.” I confess.

“Aftermath? What kind of name is that?” I give him a pointed look. “Shit, Kensi. Are you involved with a biker gang?”

“It’s not a gang, Dad. They’re a club and yes. I’ve been staying with them since they rescued me. They helped me get through all of this, when you wouldn’t.” My words cut deep but I’m done trying to convince him to help me. Either he does or he doesn’t.

“Kensi, will you take me to them? I’d feel more comfortable with backup. If this is as big as you say, I’ll need help.” Dad pleads with me.

“Are you being serious? I don’t want them in trouble.”

“I’m being one hundred percent real with you kiddo. They saved your life and I’d like to thank them and work with them to help you.” He’s being sincere so I climb back in the car.

“Fine, but if you betray me or them, they won’t hesitate to take you out.” I concede.

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