Page 6 of Deadly Devotion

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Daisy ignores him, her attention firmly fixed on me. “Tell me everything you know, or I’ll make sure your cause of death is much less pleasant than a heroin overdose.”

I snicker. “You’re just like your sister.”

Daisy steps back as if I’d slapped her. Shock crosses her face and gives way to a deep pain flashing in her eyes. The same agony I’ve seen in Ivy whenever she’s talked about losing her sister.

“You don’t know anything about her,” she sneers, replacing her pain with a more violent energy. Like Ivy, this must have been her way of coping over the years.

“I know she misses you,” I say gently.

“You sick fuck,” Hale says, grabbing my arm and tightening his grip. I wince as he twists it hard. “Don’t lie.”

“My sister is dead,” Daisy says.

“She’s not,” I say. Even if my life ends, I’ll die knowing I’ve done my best for Ivy. They both have to know the truth. “Ivy’s alive.”

Daisy plants her hands on her hips. “Prove it.”

“I…” I falter momentarily. How can I? I have no pictures of her on my phone. We’ve never really had a photo opportunity, and I’m sure Ivy would have done anything to avoid being in front of the camera. There’s nothing I can show her that would qualify as evidence.

“See? He’s lying,” Hale declares triumphantly. “Now finish him, and let’s get out of here.”

“Goodnight, Sebastian,” Daisy says.

“Wait!” I call. “Pippy!”

“He’s really lost it now,” Hale mutters.

Daisy pauses. She knows.

“Pippy, your puppy, we’re looking after her. The Dukes,” I keep talking, blathering on and clutching at straws. Ivy told me how much her sister cared about her dog. The two of them were inseparable. “We thought Ivy died too. We thought you both did, but Ivy… the Killers Club… they…”

Daisy lowers the lethal injection. Apparently, that was enough.

“Hale, let him go… for now.”

He hesitates. “Are you su?—”

A stern glance from her has him relenting, despite the choice words muttered in reluctance under his breath.

“This doesn’t mean we won’t kill you,” Daisy says, leaving the threat hanging in the air.

At that moment, my phone vibrates in my pocket.

“Hand it over,” Daisy demands, holding out her outstretched hand. “Now.”

I don’t move, trying to calculate whether I can send out an emergency signal while passing it to her. Hale’s mind must work in the same way as mine because he snatches the phone from my pocket before I have a chance, leaving Daisy and me standing shoulder-to-shoulder in an awkward standoff. As much as I’d like to fight my way out of this situation, Ivy would never forgive me if Daisy got hurt.

“It’s a text,” Hale says, passing her my phone. “From Bram, another member of the Dukes.”

I roll my eyes. Yeah, no fucking shit. Why has it taken him so long to get in touch? He’s not exactly picked the best moment.

“Shit’s gone down at the crypt,” Daisy reads the message aloud. “We’re heading to Bexley’s to finish this. Don’t follow us.”

Her head snaps up from what she’s reading. Hearing Spencer’s name has rattled them both. Hale’s tight grip almost crushes my bones, and Daisy communicates with him silently through a single glance. Unsaid words pass between them. Why would Ivy and Bram heading to Bexley’s bother them?

“Why is he going to Bexley’s?” she snaps. “Who with?”

“I’m sure you can work it out.” I raise my eyebrow sarcastically. “Ivy’s with him. All she wants is revenge for what happened to her sister. For him killing her sister. She’s ready to end this.”

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