Page 5 of Deadly Devotion

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“Yes, little Dove,” he replies.

He advances with outstretched arms. Does he think he can scoop me up like a butterfly? I grab a nearby candlestick and swing, hitting the side of his head to try and render him unconscious. No luck there. The motherfucker is only knocked off balance for a microsecond before he comes at me again.

“We need to keep the noise down,” she says, tutting and wagging her finger like a teacher disciplining a child. “We can’t go waking the dead.”

Hale charges towards me, and I stand my ground. Better to fight than run. I throw a punch that lands with a crack on his jaw, but his skin feels like it’s made from iron. Where do the Killers Club find these people?

“Bastard,” I curse, springing back and readying for the next round while his lips curl into a vicious sneer.

“Don’t make this any more difficult than it needs to be,” he warns, then pounces.

I’m faster and dive out of his way, ducking under one of his arms. He darts after me, and I grab the closest object I can find—a massive book that won’t cause any lasting damage. Daisy catches my wrist and twists it before I can act. If she turns it just a little more, it’ll snap…

She tugs me closer and hisses in my ear, “Stop struggling, Sebastian. We’ll make it quick.”

Hale seizes my wrist from her and wrenches it behind my back, almost yanking my shoulder out of its joint.

“Easy, Hale,” she purrs. “We need to make this look like an accident.”

“Pity,” he spits.

“Are you ready to be put to sleep, Sebastian?” she asks.

This is it. I’m out of options. I’m outnumbered, under-armed, and only have one card left to play to my advantage. Knowledge. Does she know Ivy is still alive? If she does, I’m dead. If she doesn’t, there’s a small chance she’ll spare me for long enough to come up with an escape plan.

Through the pain, I say through gritted teeth, “If you kill me, you won’t know what I do, Daisy.”

Hale’s grip tightens, and she freezes for a split second. Her eyes widen in surprise before she quickly recovers.

“What did you call me?” she asks.

There’s a simmering emotion lurking behind her words, and I can’t tell whether it’s anger or disbelief. If she’s surprised that I know her real identity, she’ll want to know why. Maybe they’ll be interested to know about the other secrets the Killers Club has been keeping too.

“You heard me,” I say. “Why don’t you order muscles to stop wrinkling my suit so we can talk properly?”

“Kill him,” Hale encourages. “Now.”

Daisy hesitates. That’s when I know I’ve piqued her curiosity. I have to be careful now…

“Why did you call me Daisy?” she questions.

“That’s your name, isn’t it?” I press. “Your real name. You’re not Florence, the Lotus, or whatever nickname he calls you. You are Daisy Penrose.”

“Don’t listen to him, Dove,” Hale says. “He’s buying time. We have orders to follow. Do it. Kill him!”

“Give me a second, Hale! Will you just let me think?” she blasts. I’ve rattled her. She steps closer, holding the needle to my neck. “I could end your life right now. I have the power to decide when your heart stops so don’t even think about lying to me. Tell me everything you know.”

“If I do, you need to let me go,” I bargain.

“Nice try, sunshine,” Hale snarls. “He’s bullshitting. He knows nothing.”

Daisy’s eyes probe mine, hoping to find answers there. But I won’t talk. Not until I have reassurances.

“Do you want to take that chance, Daisy?” I ask. “I have information I’m sure you’ll want to hear.”

“This doesn’t mean you’ll make it out of this room alive,” she hisses, then nods at Hale. “Let him talk.”

“You’re serious?” Hale gasps in disbelief. “This pretty posh boy knows nothing. How can he? He plays gangster for fun part-time. How can he know anything about you?”

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