Page 59 of Deadly Devotion

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“When are they arriving?” I ask, changing the subject.

“They’ll get here mid-afternoon,” Seb says. “Then we’ll make our move this evening. Stephanie says you know the code for the weapons’ store here?”

I nod. Upstairs, a walk-in wardrobe hides a secret room that should contain all the supplies we need. I snuck away from the others yesterday to take a sneaky look to confirm that we wouldn’t be left defenceless.

“It has everything we need,” I confirm.

“Now we’ve established that, can we eat already?” Callen groans, patting his stomach. “I’m dying here.”

He reaches for the Pain au Chocolat I was eyeing, but I’m faster.

“Hey!” he objects as I swipe it from under him. “That was mine!”

I take a massive bite, making chocolate ooze out of each end while Freddie and Seb laugh.

Seb shrugs. “Finders keepers.”

The guys talk about old times while we eat: different jobs they’ve worked together, funny memories of what happened on security patrols, a story about Callen getting locked in an elevator with a body. I wonder if this jovial atmosphere is how their lives used to be… until I came along.

“Are you sure you don’t want any more?” Freddie asks, noticing me push my plate away.

I shake my head. I’ve eaten more than enough to re-energise.

“Before we raid their weapon stash, there’s something else I want to talk about,” Seb says.

Okay, here it comes. I’m instantly suspicious, preparing myself for some bad news. Was he buttering us up with croissants before getting ready to deliver a crushing blow? Everyone straightens in their seats.

“Ivy,” Seb addresses me. “After tonight, Alaric will be dead, and you’ll be free.”

Maybe this isn’t a doom-and-gloom speech after all. Perhaps he’s trying to deliver a motivational pep talk?

“I haven’t thought that far ahead,” I say dismissively. There’s no point. Seb predicts I’ll be free, but it’s not that simple. Everything still hangs in the balance. My future is filled with unknowns, and I have a relationship with my sister to fix. “I’m focused on the here and now.”

That’s what Killers Club agents are trained for. To act in the moment. No consequences, no future. All that matters is your actions, your marks, and the blood you spill.

“I know,” Seb says, “but I want you to know you’ll still have a place here with us if you want it.”

“You’d really want me to stick around?” I ask.

“Shouldn’t you have checked with the rest of the group first, boss?” Callen asks. His body jerks as Brams kicks him. “Ouch!”

Freddie stays silent but doesn’t take his eyes off me.

Seb ignores Callen’s complaints and carries on. “Yes. We can’t offer a lot, but we can give you a fresh start. A home. Our loyalty.”

“That’s…” I’m not sure what to say. “I don’t think you speak for everyone.”

“He does,” Freddie chips in.

Bram squeezes my hand in agreement.

“Callen?” Seb prompts.

The bad boy biker sighs. “I guess I don’t mind having you around, princess.”

My mouth falls open.

“If you never want to see us again, we’ll understand,” Seb says. “But think about it, okay? We want you to stay, Ivy. Everything’s changed since you walked into our lives.”

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