Page 23 of Deadly Devotion

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“We—I—made a mistake,” Freddie admits. “A mistake I have to make right if you’ll let me.”

Bram shakes his head fiercely. That’s not good enough.

“Is someone going to tell me what’s going on?” Seb demands. “I go to a funeral, get kidnapped by Daisy and her boyfriend, then arrive here. What happened in that cemetery?”

“We’ve been too busy doing actual work to put out a memo,” I say sarcastically. “We can sit around and have a catch-up later, unless you’re down for another fight. The Killers Club or the police will be on their way. And, considering we left Spencer alive, I’m guessing violence is off the menu.”

“Shut it, Callen,” Seb hisses. “No one wants to hear your smart arse remarks.”

I rebuff, “On the contrary?—”

“Where are you going to take her, Bram?” Freddie interrupts. “I know you’re trying to keep her safe, but it’s a suicide mission, and both of you could end up dead. The only way we’ll get through this is by sticking together.”

Bram pauses, still furious about Freddie’s betrayal. He shakes his head. We’ll take our chances.

“Come on, Bram,” Freddie says. “You know you can’t protect her alone. Let us help you. It’s what’s best for her.”

Bram looks at Ivy’s sleeping figure, then nods curtly. I guess she isn’t getting rid of us after all. Although, when Sleeping Beauty wakes, she won’t be happy. We’re no Prince Charmings.



Iwake to find myself in a four-poster bed; my head resting on plump pillows and covered in sheets made from a white, buttery material that feels like a warm hug. Where am I? The room is gigantic. It has a dressing table, a large built-in wardrobe, and another door, which is ajar, that leads into a sparkling marble ensuite.

I put my hand to my head and groan. I feel like I’ve downed a litre of tequila, and then I remember…

“Daisy.” Her name springs to my lips. I sit up abruptly, and blood rushes to my head. I battle against the heavy duvet swaddled around me and madly look around. There’s no sign of her. “Daisy!”

“Hey,” Seb says. He perches on the end of my bed. Behind him, Bram stands guarding another door. “We were wondering when you’d wake up.”

My vision blurs, but I try pushing through. I kick the covers away and swing my legs around to stand. I have to make sure Daisy is okay. I have to be with her!

“Easy,” Seb says, shuffling closer. “You’re going to pass out.”

“Get away from me!” I push him, then put my hands on the mattress to steady myself after my sudden movement. The room swims before me, and the floor resembles the moving pieces inside a fun house. “I don’t need your help.”

“I know you don’t,” he replies, although he doesn’t sound convinced. Patronising bastard.

“Where’s Daisy?” I ask. “Where are we?”

“We’re at a hotel,” Seb says. “My family always keeps the grand suite at the Royal Duchess available in case we need it. After Beatrice’s funeral, they want me to stay out of the limelight, so they’re happy for me to hide out here. The staff are discreet.”

Well, it sure beats the cupboard they shoved me in like some pre-pubescent wizard at the last house. Against the far right wall, the shopping bags from my previous trip with Freddie are neatly lined up. Anger simmers from within me. That means he’s been in my space.

“Freddie’s here?” I erupt. I’m wearing a fresh pair of blue and white striped pyjamas that aren’t my style. They’re oversized, with the hotel emblem printed on the breast pocket. “I need to go.”

Bram holds out his arms to say, You’re not going anywhere.

I narrow my eyes. “I don’t trust him.”

“You don’t have to see him,” Seb says. “But we want to help. After… what happened…”

“Daisy.” A strangled choke comes from the back of my throat involuntarily, and realisation hits me like a hard slap to the face. “She’s alive.”

“She is,” Seb says, confirming I haven’t lost my mind and started seeing ghostly apparitions.

“Then I can’t be here.” I push myself off the bed and battle to stand. I sway unsteadily on my feet, but I try to persevere. “I need to find her.”

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