Page 22 of Deadly Devotion

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“Freddie?” she calls, just as I’m about to cross the doorway. “Look after her, okay?”

I nod ferociously. Underneath the Killers Club front, Ivy’s sister is still in there… somewhere.



“Bitch,” I curse. “One Penrose sister is bad enough, but two of them?” I shake my head and spit on the ground next to the bush where the dead bodies of Spencer’s security guards are hiding. “Un-fucking-believable. Are we seriously leaving Spencer Bexley untouched?”

“You heard Ivy,” Seb says.

Yeah, I heard her. That doesn’t mean I agree with her, though.

“Since when does Ivy make our fucking rules?” My anger rises. “Why should we listen to a resurrected clone of Ivy’s dead sister, anyway? She tried to kill me, remember?”

Stupid Lotus. I’m rarely overpowered by anyone, and I don’t take it lightly. She may be a woman, but in my opinion, she’s fair fucking game. I wouldn’t have killed her, obviously, but Freddie could have at least let me teach her a lesson.

“She’s Ivy’s sister,” Seb says. “She could have killed me at Beatrice’s funeral, but she didn’t. That has to mean something. No matter what she says, she still cares about Ivy.”

I expected a murder spree, not a family reunion. My pent-up energy has nowhere to go, putting me on edge.

“We’re supposed to be in charge,” I rage. “Not acting like the Killers Club’s little bitches.”

“What would you have done if it was Tilly?” Seb asks.

I freeze. It’s the first time he’s ever mentioned her. Everyone knows better than to talk about my sweet girl. If she walked back into my life and asked me to walk over hot coals, I’d do it. Hell, I’d do anything if it meant I could have a few more seconds with her. To hold her again. To breathe in the sweet scent of her shampoo. To tell her how much I love her.

“Exactly,” Seb says, reading my mind. “You’d do anything for your family.”

The fucker has me.

Up ahead, Bram takes giant strides with Ivy in his arms.

“Hey!” Seb yells. “Wait for us!”

Bram ignores him and heads to a silver car. The same car he must have used to pick up Ivy from the cemetery and assist in her escape. Freddie’s authority has completely dissolved for him to be acting like this.

“You’re mute, not deaf,” I grumble, finally catching up to him.

Bram doesn’t acknowledge us and carefully loads an unconscious Ivy into the backseat like a fragile ornament. Her eyes remain closed, sleeping soundly. He shuts the door and crosses his arms, acting like a human shield and blocking her from our view.

You’re not coming anywhere near her.

“Let me check that she’s still breathing,” I bargain. “I’m the only doctor here, or have you forgotten that I’m the only reason you’re still alive?”

He glances through the window, watching Ivy’s chest move up and down. She stirs in her sleep as if to make a point. Even while dreaming, she’s a pain in the arse. With Bram’s point made, he shakes his head. You stay away.

“Man, you’re pussy whipped,” I say. “You’re like her guard dog.”

Bram’s fists clench. It’s been a while since I’ve seen him fight, and I’m still itching for blood. Bring it on.

“Stop it,” Freddie says, joining the rest of us. He took his time. The old man’s showing his age now. “I’m guessing you heard about everything that happened in the crypt, Bram?”

Bram’s expression says it all. How could you have done that?

“Ivy’s no fucking angel,” I say. “She called the police and gave us a whole thirty seconds to dispose of a body.”

Bram snorts. Good fucking riddance.

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