Page 13 of Deadly Devotion

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“Will Stephanie approve of our little jaunt?” I ask, knowing I’m pushing my luck, but I may as well try to get some information out of them while I can. They can’t hurt me when we’re moving.

Hale’s eyebrows draw closer together, and he gives me a death stare in the rear-view mirror. “Didn’t they teach you to shut your mouth in private school? As soon as we’re out of the car, I’ll?—”

“There!” Daisy interrupts, pointing ahead and cutting his threat short. Hale wrenches the wheel to make the tight bend. “Hurry!”

He’s already doing sixty in a thirty zone, but he floors it anyway, sending me thudding backwards in my seat.

“I’ll sue you for whiplash,” I murmur.

We turn onto Spencer’s street.

“They’re here,” I mutter, more to myself than the others, noticing how the radio cuts out. That has to be Bram’s handiwork.

Daisy whips her head around, not missing a trick. “What did you say?”

“They’re here,” I repeat. “Bram and Ivy.”

Hale slams his foot down, making the brakes screech from the sudden stop. Daisy throws open her door before he comes to a proper halt and doesn’t shut it behind her before taking off running. I’m right behind her, hoping to reach Ivy and Bram before she does.

Two security guards at Spencer’s front door straighten when they see her. They don’t look surprised to see her, only confused.

“Florence,” one says, checking his watch and frowning. “We weren’t expecting you for a few hours yet.”

Why were they expecting her? She must have already been planning something. That would make sense. Yes, they wouldn’t want Ivy ruining whatever they had lined up.

“Get out of my fucking way!” she cries, shoving past them. They step apart quickly to make way for her.

“Sebastian Montgomery.” A guard looks down his nose at me, taking in my slightly dishevelled appearance. Damn my name being splashed over the tabloids. When I was young, I got a buzz from being recognised, but now it’s plain annoying. “What do you want?”

“He’s with us,” Hale says from behind me.

“Oh.” The guard blanches. “I see.”

“Move out of the way before I move you myself,” Hale threatens. “And I’d suggest you take the rest of the day off.”

“But we didn’t get orders?—”

“Fuck your orders,” Hale snarls. “I’m giving them, and I’m telling you to get the fuck out of here.”

A withering look from him is enough to send them scampering down the street in fear. Fucking cowards.

“Let me in!” Daisy pounds wildly on the front door. She tries the locked handle and rings the doorbell incessantly.

“Move out of the way,” Hale instructs. “I’ll kick it down.”

“It’s reinforced steel,” she says. “Even you couldn’t clear that.”

He grins, raising an eyebrow and flexing his muscles to prove a point. “Is that a challenge?”

She ignores his flirtations, bending down to grab a rock, then hurls it at the nearest window to smash it.

I shrug. “I guess that’ll do it.”

Hale steps in to demolish the rest of the glass with his shoulder. He carefully lays down his jacket to ensure there isn’t any sharp debris before Daisy clambers inside.

“You,” Hale says, shoving me to follow. “Go next.”

I hesitate.

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