Page 12 of Deadly Devotion

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Bram unpacks all the other weapons from the kill kit, and Spencer’s piggy eyes widen in fear.

“It was you,” Spencer stammers, putting the pieces together. “You’ve been the one killing them.”

“Anthony Steel, Graham Baldwin, and Christopher Trout.” I reel off their names. “I enjoyed nailing Steel’s balls to a bench and cutting him up into little pieces. I was a little rushed when I killed Baldwin at the Collingsbrook Ball, which was disappointing, and Trout’s blood is all over me now. None of that matters now, though. You’re the one I’m here for, and we have all the time in the world to get reacquainted. As you said, we do have history.”

I step forward, and Spencer screams. A high-pitched girly cry that makes me question how I could have ever been scared of him. A dark patch spreads over the front of his pale trousers. Eurgh, that’ll make cutting off his cock a slippery business, but I’ll have to make do.

Five years ago, he rendered me helpless and overpowered me with ease. The tables have turned. The power is all mine. There’s nothing he can do about it. A smug satisfaction rolls over me. I’m looking forward to showing him everything I’ve learned over the years.

Suddenly, a bang comes from above, and footsteps come down the stairs. Bram jerks his head towards the noise.

“Who else is here?” I demand.

Seconds later, someone throws the door open. Maria, Spencer’s trusty housekeeper, stumbles inside. Her eyeballs bulge in surprise when she sees me. Maria has always been loyal to Spencer, but she still helped me when I struggled. I’d prefer not to kill her, but I wouldn’t hesitate if she stands in our way.

Bram acts fast, so I don’t have to. Maria squeaks and doesn’t resist as he searches her briskly, patting her down. She never carried a phone back in the day, and that doesn’t seem to have changed, so her aversion to technology benefits us.

“Don’t hurt her,” I urge.

“Ivy, is that you?” she croaks. “You’re... alive.”

“It looks that way,” I say. “Not that anyone would believe you when there’s a gravestone with my name on it in the cemetery.”

“Is she safe?” Spencer asks Maria, looking straight through me.

“Is who safe?” I whirl around. Maria inhales deeply, panic-stricken, her ashen cheeks turning greyer with each passing second. Her eyes give her away, darting to the door as if she’s worried that someone will come in. We’re not alone. “Who?”

Bram holds a shaking Maria in his grasp. She’s used to having men raise their hands to her after working for Spencer and his father, but Bram isn’t hurting her, only holding her firmly enough to not escape. She purses her lips, keeping her mouth sealed and ignoring my question.

“Who else is here?” I press.

Spencer and Maria exchange a knowing glance like they’re communicating in a secret language.

“Maria.” I soften my voice, even though my patience is wearing thin. “You’ve always been nice to me. We wouldn’t want to hurt you.”

She opens her mouth, then snaps it closed again. It’s not every day you’re confronted by the woman you thought had died at the hands of your boss. I’m sad that she’s still working here. She was always too kind for her own good and fiercely loyal.

“Tell me!” I order. “Now!”



We hurtle through London’s streets. I’m thrown into the side of the Range Rover as Hale takes each sharp turn at three times the recommended speed.

“Are you trying to kill us?” I grumble.

Hale zips through another red light and gets flashed by a speed camera ahead.

“You’re lucky to be alive,” Daisy snaps from the front seat, somehow hearing me above the engine roar.

A car in the next lane swerves narrowly to avoid getting hit by us, but Daisy and Hale aren’t phased. They talk in hushed tones, and while I can’t make out what they’re saying, worry clouds Daisy’s features. Why is she so concerned about Spencer Bexley’s wellbeing? She should be ready to tie him to the bumper and paint the streets red with his entrails.

“Why are you in such a rush?” I ask.

“Shut it, pretty boy,” Hale growls as he squeezes Daisy’s knee tenderly in reassurance.

She swats him away, not wanting any of the comforts he offers. They’re a strange couple. Although Ivy didn’t tell me a lot about her sister, I got the impression she was a quieter, bookish type—not someone to gallivant around with a tattooed maniac. It’s only further proof that the Killers Club can turn anyone into a monster.

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