Page 24 of Taming Riot

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Not what I was expecting.

“Sasha . . .”

“Maybe this isn’t the best time to say it, but I love you, Riot. I wanted to tell you when you first told me, but I wasn’t ready. Now I am. I love the chaos you bring to my life and that you see me for who I am, not who you want me to be. No one’s made me as happy as you do, and whatever tonight’s outcome is, I want you to know that I love you and always will.”

And here I was thinking I would have to prove myself to her family to earn her love. To hear the words spoken without condition has my heart swelling in my chest, and all I can do is lean down and brush my lips over hers, reveling in her softness. “I love you, angel. I don’t want you to be anyone other than exactly who you are.”

She smiles sweetly at me, and I realize I want to see that look on her face for the next twenty, thirty, fifty years. Every day for the rest of our lives, I want to wake up to that smile.

“We better get going. We don’t want to be late for the dinner, do we?”

The ride to the Greenwald estate takes about thirty minutes, and then we’re pulling up at the massive gate. I snort at the sight of the looming structure that holds no warmth in it whatsoever.

When Sasha and I have kids, we’ll raise them in a modest home with a picket fence and the whole nine yards. Full on American dream, where our little ones can run around without a care in the world.

I park my bike and guide Sasha off, helping her remove the helmet from her head to find the nervous smile is back on her lips.

“Hey, it’s okay,” I tell her, taking her hand and leading her to the imposing front door. The same butler from last time greets us at the entrance and escorts us to an opulent sitting room where Sasha’s parents and all four of her brothers await us. We all size each other up before Sasha’s mother, who holds a striking resemblance to her daughter, jumps up with a wicked grin on her face. It’s my first time seeing her, and I can’t help but think she could inspire a Disney villain or two.

“Welcome,” she says with an airily. She approaches us, her long dress fluttering about, giving the illusion that she’s gliding rather than walking. “Riot, is it?” She takes the hand that’s not holding Sasha’s and shakes it. “It’s really great to meet you.”

“And you as well, ma’am,” I tell her, bringing her hand to my lips. She smiles and turns to her daughter.

“Sasha, my dear, why don’t you help me check on things in the dining room and leave our men to chat?”

Sasha turns to me, her eyes wide with panic. “B-but . . . I . . .”

“It’s fine, go ahead.” I squeeze her hand before letting go, and she allows her mother to pull her away, leaving me alone in a room with five blank-faced men. I mentally roll my eyes at the thought that these men can’t even let down their guard in their own home. I’m going to have to endure these blank looks for the rest of my life whenever we visit the in-laws. It’s a small price to pay for being with Sasha.

“I want it to be clear that I am against this union,” Sasha’s father breaks the silence once the women have left. “My daughter deserves someone better than . . .”

“A criminal?” I offer.

The man glares at me, but I meet his gaze head on. It’s his oldest son who speaks next, drawing my attention away. “We’ve thought about your offer. What happens if we refuse?”

“I elope with Sasha, we start a family, and I dedicate the rest of my life to making yours hell with the full support of the Steel Order MC.”

David chuckles. “That almost sounds intriguing. I would give it a go just to see who comes out on top. But you did make a compelling argument,” the man says. “You have a surprising understanding of politics for someone not in the field. I’d be lying if I said you and your band of criminals don’t pose a threat to our plans.”

Band of criminals. Oh, my brothers are going to love that one. “Your decision?”

“How can you assure us that once we give you Sasha, we’ll get what you promised?”

“You are not giving me anything,” I correct him. “Sasha is an adult free to make her own choices. When we marry, she will become family, not just to me but to the entire MC. We protect our own. Even if our own has the unfortunate luck of being tied to people like you. You’ll get your support, don’t worry.”

It’s reckless.

Perhaps I should care that we’re about to put this man in office in such an irresponsible way but I don’t. Between him and the other guys running for the same position, I dislike him the least. All politicians are crooked, but at least I’ll be able to keep a close eye on this one. Heck, a connection with governor’s office won’t be bad for our club either.

Sasha’s father makes a disapproving noise at the back of his throat but doesn’t argue further.

“Well then, we might as well have dinner. I’m starving,” one of Sasha’s other brothers says, shooting me a wink and rising from his chair..

I smirk as I follow them out of the room. Maybe I’ll have an ally among my in-laws after all. Sasha comes flying out of a doorway across the hall, grabbing my arm before I can follow her family into the dining room.

“What happened?” she whispers anxiously. “Is everything okay?”

“Calm down, baby,” I tell her, rubbing her arms slowly, but her breathing remains choppy, and it seems she’s worked herself into a panic attack. “Fuck.”

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