Page 23 of Taming Riot

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When he draws me into his arms, my body reacts to him like it always does, by heating up. This is not the place or the time, but how can I resist this man? Especially after those words.

“Riot . . .”

“You’re trembling,” he observes, running a soothing hand up my back, but that does nothing but fan the flames of the fire burning in me. Christ, I need to remember that we’re in public and get a hold of myself, but when his hand drops from my waist down to my ass, the thought flies right out my mind. “You surprise me, sweetheart,” he whispers into my ear, his voice laced with mirth. “And to think just a few days ago, you were a virgin.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I reply, biting my lips when a whimper climbs up my throat. Despite my words, I surprise myself too. This man did something to me because every touch from him, however innocent, is enough to send wet heat pooling between my legs. It’s confusing to me, and yet, I can’t help it.

“Sasha . . .”

“Need you,” I whimper, burying my face in his neck. Christ, I need him so bad, my body is practically aching for him.

“We can’t do much here,” he says, pushing back from the embrace. I read humor written all over his face, and it should embarrass me, but my senses are at capacity. “Come with me.”

He grabs my hand and leads me away toward a more secluded spot between two buildings. His lips are on mine the second my back hits the wall of a building. I whimper even as my fingers snake into his hair, grabbing a fistful and tugging hard as our tongues engage in a carnal dance.

“I’ve created a monster,” he teases against my lips, his hand dropping to my pants. I writhe needily against him as he works my button and zipper before sliding his hand inside my pants. I jerk against him when his finger grazes my sex over my panties, and a rough, guttural moan leaves his throat when he finds me wet. “Fuck, baby. I want so badly to tear off your panties and fuck you where we stand, but this is not the place.” His voice is deep and raspy, and that only adds to my desire for him.

“Can’t wait—” My words break off, and a moan slips out when he runs his middle finger over the sensitive nub between my legs. I dig my teeth into my lower lip to stop myself from crying out. At least I have half a mind to not draw much attention to our little hiding spot.

“Later,” he breathes, his finger stroking my pulsing sex over my panties slowly and sending pleasure building up in my core. “When it’s just us in a space with four walls, I’m going to fuck you so fucking hard, you’ll feel me for days. Punish you for teasing me like this.”

“Yes,” I whimper, burying my face into his neck to curb my cries. My sex clenches needily, growing wetter by the second. I bury my teeth into his shoulder when he slips his thick digit past my soaked panties and into my sex. Pleasure shoots up my spine when he starts stroking my channel with his middle finger, slowly at first, but he’s soon moving faster.

“You’re killing me, baby,” he whispers roughly into my ear, adding another finger. “You’re so fucking wet, my dick is aching to be inside of you.” I bite harder on his shoulder when his thumb joins in, rubbing my aching clit in fast circles that have me clenching his fingers. My thighs start to shake as he draws me closer and closer to climax, and it’s not until he leans in and whispers, “Mine” that my body explodes, and I see dark spots bloom in my vision.

I wrap my arms around his shoulders to hold myself up as my knees threaten to give out from the force of my orgasm. I lock my thighs around his hand as a tremble rocks my body. My breath comes in a hot rush.

When the trembling begins to subside, I turn my head and brush my lips over his scruffy jaw, burying myself in his scent and falling a little deeper in love with the man. “Thank you,” I whisper.

“Fuck, baby, you have no idea just how much I want you right now,” he says gruffly, but he doesn’t need to voice his desires, not when it’s written all over his face. “Be ready for me tonight, Sasha. I’m going to wreck you.”

His eyes are dark and dangerous when they lock on mine, and I can tell he means every word of that promise . . . Or is a threat?

I can’t wait to find out.

Chapter Nine


“I’m so nervous.”

I join Sasha in the bathroom and step up behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist. Her cheeks flush a pretty pink when I lean down my brush my lips on her neck.

“Why are you nervous? They’re your parents.”

“I know, but . . . what if they say we can’t date?”

“Then I’ll kidnap you from that palace they call a home and elope with you.” She giggles at my words, but I mean them. I’ve gone over this with my brothers. I told them I was not going to lose Sasha for anything and let them know what was at stake.

This was the real reason I decided to take Sasha to the clubhouse yesterday. I wanted my brothers to meet her and see I am serious about her and also tell them about my meeting with the Greenwald family. There is a lot at stake and not just for myself.

I’m not giving up this lovely angel, but I also don’t want to put my brothers at risk. Tonight, will determine how our future unfolds. But no matter what, Sasha and I will be together.

“I didn’t think my father would ask us back so soon and for a family dinner, no less.”

“Maybe they took a liking to me,” I tell her in an attempt to lighten the mood, even though we both know it couldn’t be further from the truth. Unlike my nervous girl, I am actually excited to face her family again. Most people would dread uncomfortable situations, but I revel in them.

“It’s almost six, we should get going,” Sasha says, letting out a sigh before turning around to face me, a shy smile on her lips. “Whatever happens tonight, I want you to know that I love you.”

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