Page 1 of Taming Riot

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Chapter One


I’m waiting to be booked at the police station when I see her, an angel dressed in an ill-fitting maroon suit that clashes with her hair, a cascade of long golden waves. My heart races as she passes, a distraction amid the chaos.

And what a distraction she is.

Her beautiful waves dance in the light as she moves. Her eyes, a mesmerizing shade of emerald, suck me in the brief second they lock on mine. Even with the distance between us, I catch the delicate blush that adorns her cheeks, giving her an innocent look that only adds to her ethereal beauty.

Who the hell is this girl?

She is a vision to behold, and in this hellhole of all places. I lean forward to catch more of her as she walks past the cops, who stop to ogle her as well. Jealousy burns hot and fiery when she flashes them a small smile in greeting.

The mysterious girl moves with the grace of a baby gazelle, bumping into everything on her way; it’s awkward but equally endearing. Her pink cheeks flush darker, as she mutters “sorry” to everyone she passes, including an empty desk. Fuck, she’s cute.

All the noise fades into the background as I focus on her beauty, which I can’t help but be drawn to. Like a moth to a flame, I am too weak to resist, and when she disappears down the hall, I rise to walk after her without thinking but am stopped by a hand on my shoulder that forces me back into the chair. The handcuffs clink as I settle back down, the sound snapping me back to reality.


I’m at the police station, waiting to be booked. I’m not exactly in a position to chase after mysterious girls that grab my fancy.

“You again?”

A bored voice calls from behind me, and I turn am met by a familiar set of brown eyes. My lips stretch into a grin at the sight of the man, momentarily drawing my thoughts from the mysterious girl.

“Me again,” I tell Officer Colin. He is a large man with a thick head of silver hair and a square chin. “I heard you were on holiday, Officer. Thought I would get someone new to attend to me for a change.”

He ignores my jab and glares at me. “How many times has it been now? Ten, fifteen? I’ve lost count.”

“How many times, what?”

“This is the fourth time you’ve been arrested this year. Are you lonely? Is that it? I can’t think of any other reason why you’d be in that chair so fucking often.”

I sense annoyance in his voice, which only makes me smile. Officer Colin likes to pretend I’m no better than the dirt on his shoe, but I think I’m growing on him, honestly.

“Just think of me as . . . job security,” I snark, leaning back in the seat and watching with amusement as his face flushes to an angry red.

“Really, you’re pulling that bullshit with me?” he rages, running his hand through his thinning hair before settling on the chair across from mine. “You know what, fine. Let’s get this over with.”

“Whenever you’re ready, Officer.”

I nod, waiting for him to tell me what I am being charged with. Officer Colin and I have done this so many times that it’s become routine at this point. Heck, I’ve started to even think of him as family, like the uncle I never had.

Uncle Officer Colin, I like the sound of that. I should find out when his birthday is.

“You are charged with the assault of Mr. Henry Weaver—”

“Stupid name, don’t you think?”

He glares at me, which makes me grin again. “You’re one to talk. You’re fucking called Riot.” He spits it out like it’s a dirty word.


“Now back to your charges.”

I listen to him drone on about all the things Whitmore Weaver says I did to him. He reads me my rights, but I barely listen. It’s all routine. I do something crazy, he arrests me, books me and all that jazz, then the charges get dropped and off I go, only to repeat the cycle a month or so later.

This time is different though. For once, I didn’t actually commit the crime I’m being charged with.

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