Page 10 of Challenging Luke

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Partner was stretching it. Even though Ash’s father had finally relented and given her the CEO position she so rightly deserved, she would never be an equal the way Samuel had been, and it had nothing to do with her being a woman or not being Ash, the person Carmichael wanted. It had everything to do with the fact that Carmichael would never trust anyone enough to hand over that much power again. Samuel had ruined it.

“What exactly did my company need protecting from, and why wasn’t I informed about it?”

Monica hid her wince at the way he said “his company.” After three years she should be used to it but just once she wanted him to realize that she cared just as much about the company as he did.

“Alexander Fletcher and Samuel Silverstein.”

“We don’t say that name around here anymore!” Carmichael snapped, just as she knew he would.

“That’s why I didn’t tell you I was going. I had the situation handled.”

“And what situation might that be?”

Monica walked to the visitor’s chair and lowered herself in. She was tired of standing, and since this conversation wouldn’t be a quick one, it was better she made herself comfortable. Although sitting with perfect posture and her ankles crossed was anything but comfortable, it would have to do. Image was everything after all, and flopping back with a sigh would only further raise her partner’s hackles.

“Alexander was interested in resuming a similar relationship to the one he previously had with my predecessor. I told him over the phone weeks ago that wouldn’t happen, but he was insistent, so I figured making my point in person would be a better option. Turned out, I was right.”

At least she hoped that was the case. She had a bad feeling Alexander wouldn’t give up that easily but that was a problem for another day. Right now, she just wanted to get back to doing what she loved and maybe have dinner with the first man to give her butterflies in forever.

“What sort of relationship?”

How the hell did Samuel get away with anything? Carmichael was a tyrant and kept his thumb on every damn thing that happened in the office.

“Samuel was providing him information about clients.”

“I told you we don’t say that name around here.”

For fuck’s sake. Monica wanted nothing more than to throw her hands up in the air or pull at her damn hair and scream. He wanted information but didn’t want her to use his former business partner’s name. It was exhausting trying to have a conversation with the man.

“You’re the one who wanted the information. I’m just trying to give it to you.” She kept her tone as professional as she could possibly make it.

“Watch how you speak to me.”

That was the biggest crock of shit she had ever heard. He was one to talk.

“What kind of information was he asking you to pass along?”

“He didn’t ask for anything specific, but he hinted at how his previous relationship worked. I wasn’t interested, and when I met him in Rome, I called him out for waiting until you were close to retirement to approach me. He admitted he knew you would never go for it. I made sure I expressed I was of the same mindset as you and then walked away. Rome was strictly a business trip.”

She left out the part about Luke. She hadn’t gone there to meet him and her original agenda only left room for work. The fact that she carved out even a tiny amount of time for herself was irrelevant to the conversation.

“Good. There’s no room for error right now. Your focus needs to be work and work only. Otherwise, I will need to reconsider my thoughts on retiring.”

His words were a kick straight to the stomach. It was almost as if he had read her mind and seen the one thought of Luke she let slip in.

“I understand.”

She took the dismissal for what it was and left his office. On the outside, she presented the perfectly poised boss she was expected to be. On the inside, she was a raging mess. Yesterday she thought she had everything figured out. Three years of proving herself, of working twelve-plus hours a day and having zero social life except for the rare times Ash or Trista came to visit, all in the hopes that she would be worthy to take over and finally have some type of life.

It appeared that wouldn’t be the case.

“Ms. Cole?”

She waved Amelia off and continued straight into her office. An apology would be required later but right now she didn’t have it in her to pretend everything was fine. One small decision to take something for herself and suddenly she was in danger of losing everything she ever wanted. She couldn’t let that happen.

The shrill beep of her phone pulled her from the downward spiral she was on. Only one group had that specific tone and all the negative thoughts slipped away as she dug the phone out of her bag.

BFF: How was Rome? I hope you took the time to find a few minutes for yourself and maybe found someone to spend it with.

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