Page 32 of The Next Best Fling

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I plant a kiss on Theo’s mouth, and even though Ben doesn’t see it, there’s no mistaking the loud muah our lips make for anything else. Before I can pull away, Theo’s hand settles on the back of my neck, pinning me in place. When he kisses me again, it’s so indecent I forget where we are entirely. His tongue slides against mine, stroking in a way that makes me shiver. Ben has to clear his throat three times before we finally pull away from each other.

After a quick lunch at a fast-food joint, we arrive at Theo’s old apartment, where he takes one final sweep of the place. When he steps into his bedroom, Ben pulls on my arm. I have no choice but to follow him forward as he opens the door to the balcony.

“Ow.” I rub my arm where he grabbed me. What the hell has gotten into him?

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you,” he says, placing a gentle hand over the red spot on my upper arm. “But I need to talk to you.”

“About what?” I feign innocence, crossing my arms over my chest.

The look he gives me sends chills down my back.

“You and Theo?” His voice is cutting. “Really?”

I roll my eyes, looking away from him. “Get over it, Ben.”

“I can’t. Marcela, he’s my brother. I’ve known him my whole life, and things never end well for the women he dates.”

Maybe if Theo and I were actually dating, I’d be more attentive to Ben’s warning. After all, that’s what Angela seems to think I always do. And as much as I hate to admit it, she’s right. I’m always quick to listen to him before anyone else. Before myself, even. While I have to own up to my part, he’s also part of the reason most of my relationships have failed. I’m starting to see that more clearly now, maybe because there are no romantic feelings whatsoever between Theo and me. We both know what we are, so there’s no reason I need to be worried about him.

Of course, I can’t tell Ben any of that.

“You know I’ve always had your best interests at heart. Don’t you trust me?” There’s that soft tone I’ve never been able to deny. “You have to stop seeing him.”

I look up, gauging his seriousness. He has his hands on his hips, head hanging like a disappointed father. When he looks at me, his eyes are narrowed to angry slits. My mouth hangs open as I realize he’s more than serious. He actually thinks he has a right to tell me to do such a thing, and even worse, that I’ll listen to him.

Because I always have.

“You can’t be serious.” I shake my head. Then I scoff. How have I never seen it before? “Ben. You can’t—”

Theo opens the door suddenly, interrupting me before I can tell Ben off. I already had the perfect response ready in my head. You can’t order me around like I’m yours to control. You can’t tell me who to date if you won’t date me yourself. My mouth snaps shut. Maybe it’s better that Theo interrupted when he did. He looks between us with furrowed brows, until his eyes land on me and stay there. His eyes travel over my face for some sign of what’s wrong. I try to put on a neutral expression, but I’m not sure it works. Theo’s eyes seem to ask me what’s wrong, but all I give is a tired shrug.

“Everything okay out here?” Theo asks us, finally facing his brother.

Ben doesn’t say anything. He shoves past his brother, letting out a grunt as he passes. My eyes shutter closed. The back of my head throbs suddenly with an incoming headache. When I tell Theo I’m fine, he doesn’t look convinced but he also doesn’t press me on it.

Luckily, it doesn’t take much longer for Theo to finish packing up. When he does, I follow him out to the parking lot, where Ben is waiting for us, looking sulky with his arms crossed. We decide that Ben will drive back by himself and I’ll ride with Theo. I take it he’s had enough of our overt displays of affection for one day.

His car pulls out of the lot with rushed, jerky movements, like he can’t get out of here fast enough. Theo’s gaze warms my back, but I can’t stop replaying his brother’s words in my head.

Stop seeing him. Stop seeing him. Stop seeing him.

When Theo asks me if I’m ready to go, I have to shut my eyes against the concern brimming in his.

“Yeah,” I finally say. “Let’s get out of here.”


The air between us is taut and uncomfortable. Concern radiates off Theo in waves, and it only annoys me more. But as mad as I am at Ben, I’m pissed at myself even more. For waiting on him for as long as I have, only for him to show the least bit of interest when he’s no longer my top priority. For the years I’ve wasted on him.

“You think he bought it?” Theo asks when we’re safely tucked away in his silver BMW. I’m surprised he even has to ask, but maybe he’s just not good at reading his brother. Or maybe he’s too scared to voice the question he really wants to ask.

“Definitely,” I tell him. “He couldn’t even look us in the eye afterwards.”

“Sorry I clammed up on you at first,” he says as he pulls out of the parking lot. “Guess we should’ve worked on our backstory earlier. You’re a surprisingly good liar.” His mouth lifts into an amused smirk. I just manage to return it, but I feel a bit hollow inside. “First at brunch, and now with my brother. You’re fantastic in a bind.”

“Glad you think so.” I salute him, keeping the smile plastered to my face.

He might seem amused now, but just wait until he finds out the real reason I’m using him as a rebound. Hopefully he never does, but who am I kidding? If this lasts for much longer, I’ll give myself away at some point.

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