Page 22 of The Next Best Fling

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I take a chance and kiss his neck, reveling in the way his body shakes beneath my touch. In the throaty groan he emits in my ear. His hands cup my hips, but they don’t move. They lock in place, one last barrier of hesitation to break through. I kiss up his jaw, stopping right before I reach his lips. Our eyes meet and lock. Just like last night, his pupils are blown wide.

“I want this, Theo—”

I barely get his name out before his mouth is on mine. Neither one of us holds back this time as we pull at each other. His hands search over my blouse, and mine brush over bare skin. I push him until the back of his legs reach the couch. He breaks the kiss momentarily to sit, pulling me down onto his lap.

My knees straddle either side of his waist as his big hand cups the back of my neck. His fingers trail the tiny hairs on my nape, making a shiver run down my back. He kisses down my jaw as my hands roam his bare chest, warm on my already overheated skin. We’re as close as our bodies can possibly be, but it doesn’t feel close enough. There are still too many layers between us. His hands pull on my waist, grinding me into his lap. I feel the bulge in his pants and let out an embarrassingly loud moan.

Bad idea bad idea bad— I shut off my thoughts as if slamming a door shut, bolting the locks for good measure. No thinking, just this. Just his hands in my hair, his lips on my skin, his limbs tangling with mine until I lose track of where I end and he begins.

We shift until my back hits the sofa cushions and his body hovers over mine, legs tangled together, hands roaming of their own will. It’s only been hours, but I don’t know how I made it through an entire night with him in my bed without his mouth on mine.

“God, I missed this,” he mumbles against my skin, taking the words right out of my brain.

“I didn’t think guys like you went through dry spells.”

He chuckles against my lips. “What does that even mean? Guys like me?”

“Have you seen what you look like?”

He counters with “Have you seen what you look like?” and pulls me into his chest. His hands play with the hem of my blouse, his fingers skating my bare skin. I’m still reveling in his words—have you seen what you look like—when his mouth moves up and kisses my lips, hard and fast. We’ve only just begun, but the way he kisses is like we’re running out of time. Our hands intertwine as my hips find a rhythm to grind against his jeans-clad erection, right where I need him.

“God, Marcela.” He groans, his hands pulling at my hair in the most delicious way. “This is gonna be over before it starts if you don’t slow down.”

“I don’t wanna slow down,” I admit, surprised at how husky my voice comes out. “But we should probably move this to the bedroom soon.”

Neither one of us moves an inch. His lips scorch as they form a path down my neck. My sweaty hands slip down his chest, until I find the button of his jeans. He moves my hand away before I can pop it open, and disappointment and frustration flood my chest. But I’m revitalized again when he says, “Bedroom, Marcela. Now.”

Right. Yes.

Reluctantly, we leave the couch and I lead him back to the bedroom. He leans down to kiss me but before he can, the silence is broken by the alarm on my phone. The sudden blaring sound startles us both so much, we bump our heads together instead. White hot pain burns the front of my skull.

“Ow! Goddammit!”

He clutches at his head with a pained expression, but his lips are holding back what looks like an amused grin. I grab my phone from the nightstand and shut off the alarm with a heavy sigh. Now that the mood is officially killed, I plop down on the bed with a groan.

“I have work soon.” It comes out as a sexually frustrated grumble.

“So I gathered…” His eyes sparkle with amusement. “Guess I should probably go, then.”

“Or”—I lift myself from the bed, prowling toward him—“you can stay until the third alarm goes off. That gives us about thirty more minutes.”

“Third alarm?” he asks, even as he kisses my lips. Even as the back of my knees hit the edge of the bed. But I can’t answer him when I’m pushed down and my back hits the mattress, Theo hovering over me. “I’m sure we can find time for a few things.”

That smile is going to be the death of me.


Theo has a superpower: he can make time pass five times faster than normal. That’s the only logical explanation I can think of when my third alarm goes off just when I’ve gotten his jeans unbuttoned. We’re both breathing hard, eyes locked, even as my phone chimes it’s incessant noise.

“Are you sure that’s your alarm?” Theo asks as if coming out of a trance, the haziness in his eyes clearing. He shakes his head as if to regain his equilibrium. “The sound is different.”

He’s right, I belatedly notice. My alarm is set to the sound of blaring bell chimes, but my ringtone is much softer. I glance down at it, breath catching as Ben’s picture fills the screen.

“I’m so sorry.” Theo’s eyes crease in concern as I hastily back away from him. “I have to take this.”

Before he can react, I dart across the bedroom and into the bathroom. Once the door shuts behind me with a soft click, I hit answer and bring the phone to my ear.


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