Page 48 of Brooklyn & Eden

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“I say we go chase some tail.” Easton grins his head off. He’s definitely one for letting loose when he gets the chance, and granted, that’s not often. “The Bassett’s have been takin’ all the new available women off the market the minute they get here.”

“Hey, I’ve got no say in anything. I’m lucky to see the light of day from down in the cellar all day.”

“Is that why you look so pasty?” Callan shoves me.

“Or hiding under that beard. Not bad by the way,” Gaitley grunts. He never has too much to say for himself.

“Thanks.” I smooth it over. “The chicks seem to like it.”

“Anyone in particular?” Easton asks as I pass some money to the bartender and pick up my beer.

“Nope.” I figure lying is best when it comes to my most recent phenomenon. Nobody wants to hear the news about my newly found infatuation with my wife.

“I only ask so I know who to stay away from.”

“I hear Dolly Simpson is on the lookout again,” I muse. “You could ask Huds all about that if you really wanted to.”

“Hey, she’s cute.” Easton shrugs.

“She sure is. Problem being, she thinks every available guy in Stoney Creek is into her.”

“That don’t worry me.”

“Well, there you go then.” I chuckle. “Go get ‘em tiger.”

Gaitley pats him on the back with a hard thump. “I’d keep it in your pants, brother. Huds said she got a major crush after he slept with her and chased him down for weeks after. You want that happenin’ to you?”

“This is a bad thing?” Easton ponders. “I mean to be chased down by any woman in Stoney at this point would be somethin’.”

“It is if you don’t want Dolly stalkin’ you day and night.” Callan gives him a pointed look. “And you know Huds; he’s a love em’ and leave em’ kinda guy. Not his style to be chased down by anyone. Gotta hand it to him, he ended up not breakin’ her heart too bad.”

“Why don’t we go find the others,” I suggest with a chuckle. “Throw some darts, maybe at Gait’s head.” I give him a sharp blow between the shoulder blades as they edge off the bar stools.

The corners of his mouth turn up in an almost smile. Almost. The guy is broodier than anyone I know. But that’s how he’s been for as long as I can remember. I think some chick did a number on him, but he doesn’t talk about it much.

We take our drinks and walk through to the other guys. The jukebox is pumping; a few beers down and I may even bust out some moves on the dancefloor. The ladies love a set of loose hips, at least I have that going for me. Must be all that horse riding.

Sure, as Callan said, the guys are commandeering the pool area and one of the dart boards.

“Hey, didn’t you start a brawl last time you were here?” I say, giving Gabe a friendly nudge as I almost make him miss his shot. It was when some guy was hitting on Skye, and Gabe saw the unwanted exchange from across the bar. I’d not seen him that angry in a long time. My brother has always been a grumpy ass, but when it comes to protecting those he cares about, he’s unstoppable.

Gabe glances at me, undeterred by my annoying him. “I was protecting Skye’s honor if you must know.”

Beau chuckles. “And you’re two seconds too late, Brook. You might wanna try shoving him again when he’s actually shooting. Might make his aim improve.”

“I’m whooping your ass,” Gabe throws back.

Beau laughs. “Come on now, anything can happen in this game. You know it.”

“The loser has to get out on the dancefloor with me later.” I grin as I watch Easton, Gait and Callan take the pool table next to us and start setting up for a game.

“Dance?” Travis balks. “Have you lost your mind?”

“Hey, these boots aren’t just made for walkin’.” I do a step to the left and kick up my back heel as I scoot around in a circle, holding onto my belt buckle.

“For fuck’s sake, brother.” Gabe’s shoulders shake with laughter.

“You scaring the women away again, Brook?” Gray shakes his head at me between dart throws.

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