Page 47 of Brooklyn & Eden

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Don’t let my little sister lead you astray if she’s going. Have fun!

I’m half tempted to tell her I’m going to Moose’s, but I’ve been trying to follow Beau’s advice and not bombard her too much. Even if I’m dying to know if she’s had a tiff with lover boy or if work really did call her back early. Something feels a little off, since she runs her own business. She didn’t say where the girls night was taking place so I’m half wondering if she will be at Moose’s, as Georgia overheard our plans in the staff room and was talking about her own little get together with the girls. Or maybe they’d go to the wine bar, Di’vine, that’s a little more upmarket as far as Stoney Creek goes.

I dress in my black denim jeans tonight with a dark blue button-down collared shirt, plus my trusty black cowboy boots and hat. I’m as bad as Hudson when it comes to cowboy mode. At least I take my hat off some of the time. I glance in the mirror, wondering if I should shave completely or just trim my beard a little more. I don’t want it getting too wild, busy, or unkempt. I like the barely there, subtle kind of look.

I check on my animals before I head out, and splash on an extra dash of cologne. I’m not fancy by any means, but Eden always dug me smelling good.

I could well and truly be on the scope to pick up tonight; I don’t have Blake and it’s been a minute or two. Though the second I think it, thoughts of my wife flood to mind. The idea of her curvy, sexy body pressed up against mine as we dance… I can still smell the scent of her shampoo and that vanilla body cream she uses; like I could ever forget. My dick stirs to attention. That won’t do.

Of course, since the whole non-divorce debacle — that ultimately re-sparked my feelings for her — I haven’t thought about anyone else. I haven’t wanted to.

Eden and I were perfect in a lot of ways, and maybe a little imperfect in others. But we got a lot of things right. The sex with her was always amazing, but not just that. It’s the way we cared for one another, and still do.

I loved the fact I was her first. Everything with me was her first. That was hot as fuck in itself.

I swipe my hand down my face as I drive. Thinking about the past, like I have been doing lately, isn’t going to solve anything.

I should just get drunk tonight and not worry about any of this anymore. There might be a sweet chick I can spend the night with, that is if I can stop thinking about my wife.

I can’t be infatuated with someone I can’t have. She was available for all those years, so why now?

The part of my brain I’m trying to shut out says, ‘why not now?’ And I lose that argument with myself all over again.

I decide to just do my best to put it out of my mind for tonight at least and have some fun with the boys.

When I arrive, the first people I see are Callan and his two future brothers-in-laws, Gaitley and Easton. They run Horse-shoe Ranch across town and are both ex-bull wranglers. They don’t get out much because they’re always out on the ranch.

“Hey.” I grin as I approach. It’s just after eight o’clock and the place is already filling up fast.

Callan, Easton and Gaitley all turn around to look at me.

“Man of the hour,” Callan jokes, giving me a slap on the back as I nod to the other guys. “We thought you’d be hauled up with your special brew until doomsday now you’ve got the go ahead.”

“Not on a Friday night.” I chuckle. “A guy has to catch a break somewhere.”

“You ridin’ the bull tonight?” Gaitley takes a pull of beer while getting the bartender's attention.

“I very much doubt it. Isn’t it Hudson’s job to show us all up?”

“True,” Easton agrees. “Your sister is here too over by the booths. I think she and the girls are having a Friday night drink-a-thon.”

I glance over the far side to where he was just looking. I see a group of girls sitting in a booth but no sign of Eden. I wonder if she will be here and try not to feel too disappointed if she isn’t. I’m supposed to be forgetting all about that anyway.

“You can break it up if they get too rowdy.” Callan gives him a wink. East chuckles into his beer.

“Where’re the other guys?” I ask.

“Gray and Huds are on the other side of the bar playing darts. I think Gabe and Beau are around there too playing pool with Travis,” Callan says.

“Owen or Daniel here tonight?” They’re two guys that we’ve all been friends with for years. I hang out more with Owen on a regular basis since Daniel is married with kids and he doesn’t get out much these days.

“I think Daniel is holed up at home,” Easton says. “The wife has the flu or some shit.”

“Not sure about Owen.” Gaitley shrugs.

“I say we do some pool sharking.” I nod for a beer toward the bartender as he finally approaches after Gaitley flagged him down.

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