Page 118 of Brooklyn & Eden

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Her face drops as she reluctantly stands and lets me out of the booth. Hopefully she’ll move onto Owen by the time I get back.

I need to get some freaking air. I’m not sure what they’re putting in the drinks tonight, but the women are frisky. And not the woman that I want, unfortunately.

It tugs at my heart, and I don’t know what to do about it.

Do I give it some more time with Eden, or do I keep pursuing her?

That’s the question. I’ve come this far, as well as confessed my feelings. So I make a note to myself; I’m not about to let her go now. Not if she wants me.

Some things are worth fighting for.



I don’t know how I get into these situations, but hiding out in the john seems like a perfect idea to me. I have too many other things going on right now to be worried about being accosted by Amber Jenkins, or Dolly Simpson for that matter. Either of them tracking me down isn’t on my radar.

I stare at myself in the mirror and take a long, hard breath.

I’m tempted to stop by Eden’s on the way home. She may have said she was tired, but I don’t like being on the outs with her. I don’t want her to doubt me, or my intentions.

But I have the feeling the person she’s doubting is herself. And I get we have history, and it’s failed before, but things are different now. Not only are we older and wiser, but we’re both established in our careers and have accomplished so much individually.

Maybe we were crazy to let things go. But it’s done now and we can’t go back.

We can only go forward and make it even better this time, if she’ll give it a chance.

When I head back out of the gents, the Moose is in full swing. Easton is saddling up and Dolly Simpson is hanging over the barrier trying to get his attention.

I smile to myself. At least she’s preoccupied with him, so I can make my escape.

It’s then I feel two arms wrap around my waist and I whirl around quickly.

Amber has found me again.

“Hey there, darlin’. I was just heading out.”

“But the night’s still young!” she protests with a pout. “Come on, let’s go for a dance. We can practice those boot scootin’ moves. I know you can!”

I unwrap her arms from around me and chagrin. “Not tonight.”

“Which night?” She loops her arm through mine and she falls into step with me as I walk across the tavern back to Beau’s table.

It’s clear she has definitely had a few drinks tonight from the way she’s slightly unsteady on her feet and being more giddy than usual. She’s never tried to come onto me quite like this before. “You took off at boot scootin’ the other day. I was going to ask you on a date,” she says.

“A date?”

“You’re the hottest Daddy in town, don’t you know?”

My eyes widen. “Actually, I didn’t know that.”

“Believe it.” She prods me in the chest. “And I’m going to go all out next week for the auction, Brookland Bassett!”

Brookland? Oh, boy. “My wife might have something to say about that.”

She scrunches her forehead in confusion. “What wife?”

“Never mind, it’s a long story.” I’m sure she’ll hear about it soon enough. It’s probably spreading around town as we speak. I approach the table and give Beau and Autumn a nod. They’re still talking but I’ll get the skinny from him later. Owen has taken himself off to grab another drink at the bar.

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