Page 117 of Brooklyn & Eden

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“You!” She laughs. “Mind if I have a drink with you guys?”

I’m about to protest and try to pry her arm away when Autumn pipes up, “Of course, Dolly. We haven’t seen you in ages.”

“I’ve been so busy,” she says, squashing herself next to me as I try to get Owen to move up in the booth so she’s not sitting on me. That would not be a good look. “You riding the Moose tonight, Brook?” She raises her eyebrows as I take a swig of my drink for salvation.

“Not tonight, Sugar. I gotta look after myself for boot scootin’ next week.”

Owen nearly spits his drink out.

“He’s the best boot scooter in town,” a voice purrs behind us.


I facepalm myself for real this time. Could this night get any worse?

My wife who I just confessed my feelings to, and shared an extremely intimate night the other night, is backing off and giving me the brush off. Meanwhile, I’m being manhandled by Dolly Simpson, and Amber Jenkins with her hungry eyes tells me she’s about to eat me alive.

I turn my head and purse my lips while I think of ways I can slip out of here unnoticed soon. Meanwhile, another interesting leopard print outfit hugs Amber’s voluptuous body. She’s wearing an extremely tight knee-length dress with black cowboy boots. The material stretches across her massive rack and leaves even less to the imagination than Dolly’s outfit.

“I don’t know about that,” I reply to the boot scooting comment.

“My little Juliette says you’re the one to beat.” She casts me a wink, a wide grin blooms on her face and I hear Owen snort. I glance at him.

“Why don’t you have a seat, Amber? Owen is looking kinda lonely.”

He kicks me under the table and I save myself from laughing.

“Ooh, did I just see Easton?” Dolly croons in the meantime, craning her neck to look behind us.

“He’s coming to the auction too,” Beau adds for good measure. I could kiss my brother for informing her of that little detail. Her interest piques from me onto Easton faster than I can blink.

“And don’t forget Travis Hendry,” Amber tacks on. “Just about every girl I know is trying to land the new sheriff.”

“Sounds like the gang's all there!” Autumn chortles.

“I wonder if Hudson will come along too?” Dolly ponders, tapping her perfectly sculptured talons on her chin.

Oh Lord, she really is still trying to go in for round two with Huds, even though it was ages ago they hooked up. The guys weren’t kidding.

“Good luck with that,” Autumn says. “He gets out about as much as Gaitley.”

“I’m going to go see if it’s Easton after all.” Dolly flashes me a smile of her pearly whites as she gets up out of the booth. “Be right back.”

Amber is still hovering and practically pounces in her seat when Dolly is out of the way.

I’m trying to down my drink as fast as possible so I can leave. Clearly Beau and I aren’t going to get that talk. He and Autumn look to be having a quiet discussion that I can’t hear over the music and I wonder idly if his phone call was about her, and then she showed up so he couldn’t tell me.

“So, what are you up to tonight?” Amber whispers, right about the time I’m going to excuse myself to go to the gents. Then head off.

I turn my head towards her. She’s gone all out tonight with the dark smoky eyes and ultra long lashes, she favors red lipstick over much else. Again, I’m not opposed to it, but things have changed considerably in the last few days. “Actually I was just heading home.”

“Haven’t you got a free weekend from your daughter?” She raises her eyebrows. I’m not even sure how she knows that.

“She’s at a sleepover.” What the hell am I supposed to say?

“Mine too.” She reaches under the table and squeezes my leg with a strong hand. Owen beside me can’t keep a straight face. I elbow him as he chugs into his beer.

“Woah, there,” I say as I edge up and try to get her to move. “I have to use the gents, Amber, if you don’t mind.”

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