Page 89 of The Game Changer

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“I can when it’s wrong,” Bella grumbles.

I arch a brow at Mei. “Do you know what they’re talking about?”

“Twilight,” Mei sighs. “Trust me, I don’t get it either.”

“That’s because your parents kept you from all the good stuff. I mean, if it was up to them, you still wouldn’t know the benefits of boobs.”

“I have boobs,” Mei points out.

“I mean other than yours,” Bella amends. “Who wants to play with a dick their whole life?”

“Um, I have no qualms with that,” Lila says, raising her hand and grinning.

Bella waves her off. “We’ve already established we can’t trust your choices.”

Mei groans. “Can we talk about literally anything else? Whose idea was it to get all of us together like this, anyway?”

“Yours,” Bella, Lila, and I say in unison.

Mei shakes her head. “I regret my decisions. Everyone go home now.”

“Nah.” Bella smacks a kiss on her wife’s temple. “We still have Cards Against Humanity to play.”

“That game is filthy,” Mei grouses.

“Which is why it’s so awesome,” Bella says.

I turn to find Lila watching the two of them bicker with a smile, her eyes meeting mine and looking like she’s genuinely having a good time, which makes me relax even more. “Do I want to know what Cards Against Humanity is?”

“Don’t worry, Cupcake,” she tells me. “You’re going to love it.”

“If someone gets the one about Daniel Radcliffe’s delicious asshole,” Bella tells us, “I promise you that card will be an instant win for any of my rounds. Fucking gets me every time.”

“I’m sorry,” I splutter. “What?”

Lila’s head falls back in one of those loud laughs that I love so much, distracting me from my incredulity. She recovers only enough to tug on my arm to drag me off the couch, patting my forearm as Bella does the same to Mei and we all make our way to the dining room for what is apparently a hellish card game.

“This is going to be so much fun,” Lila says, her eyes gleaming.

I’m a little suspicious of that, if I’m being honest, but seeing how happy she is, how genuinely okay she is with being here, with all of this—my past and my present colliding to make what is hopefully a better future—has that same tightness setting off in my chest. The one that feels both wonderful and terrifying all at once.

So I let her lead me into the dining room for the seemingly awful game, starting to come to terms with the fact that I would let this woman lead me anywhere. And what’s more…I find that I’m entirely unbothered with the revelation.

Mei and Bella’s place is well outside of the city, which means that the drive back consists of a lot of two-lane highway with woods on either side. It’s a far cry from the usual traffic in city limits. Lila has been chatting idly about the night—how good dinner was, how much fun she had with Bella and Mei—and I’ve been content to mostly just listen, distracted by the gentle circling of her fingers where they’ve come to rest on my knee.

“—and Bella told me she even wrote fan fiction for Bellice back in the day,” Lila snorts. “She wouldn’t tell me her username, but I’m going to get it out of her.”

“And Bellice is what exactly?”

“The ship name for Alice and Bella,” she explains, as if this is obvious.

I nod dumbly. “Right.”

“We are so watching these movies the first chance we get,” she says firmly. “I need you on Team Edward with me.”

“Yes, dear,” I tease.

She flicks my knee. “Shut up.”

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