Page 126 of The Game Changer

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“We’ll be here,” I tell him.

I set my phone on the counter, digging into a bag of sugar I pulled out from underneath the cabinet and sprinkling a bit on top of the cooling cookies to give them an extra kick of sweetness. I learned very early on that a little sugar can sweeten any bad times you’re experiencing, and I figure Abby and Ian could use it.

“Those look good.”

I jolt, dusting sugar all over the oven. “Abby!”

“Sorry!” She holds up her hands in apology, looking contrite. “I thought you heard me.”

“It’s fine,” I say with a quiet laugh. “Did you sleep well?”

“Mostly. I do feel better after the nap.”

“Told you,” I tell her smugly. I point to the cookies. “And I’m just finishing up the snack portion of today’s therapy session.”

“They smell incredible,” she admits, eyeing the cookies. “I watch your show, you know.”

“You do?”

“Well, I mean…I started after Ian was on.”

My lips curl. “That’s sweet. He looked like the Hulk trying to handle teacups up there, didn’t he?”

“Kind of,” she laughs. “But it was fun to watch.”

There’s a fond look on her face, and I think it’s safe to say that Abby admires her brother more than she lets on. Not that I blame her. I pick up a still-warm cookie, testing that it’s cooled enough that it won’t fall apart before handing it to her.

“Here,” I say.

She takes it gingerly, biting into it and moaning as her eyes close. “Holy shit.”


“This is amazing.”

“It’s the touch of cinnamon.”

“I can totally taste it.”

I take a cookie for myself, moving to one of the chairs at the overhanging counter and taking a seat before patting the one next to me. Abby settles into it, taking another large bite of her cookie as a look of bliss spreads across her face.

“You look just like your brother,” I laugh.

She peeks over at me sheepishly. “Really?”

“He also inhales my cookies like a starved coyote.”

Her freckled cheeks tint in a blush, and she bites back her grin. “They’re really good.”

“I take it as the highest compliment.”

“So…you two are dating?”

I consider this as I take another bite. “I guess so. I mean, we sort of just now put a label on it.”

“Like recently?”

“Like last night,” I laugh.

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