Page 125 of The Game Changer

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I have my cell propped between my shoulder and ear as I check the oven, the smell of baking dough permeating the kitchen as I decide to give the cookies another minute.

Jack makes a noncommittal sound. “I mean, there was some yelling, but from what I gathered pressing my ear to the door—”

“Wow, talk about professional boundaries,” I snort.

“I don’t think Coach was really mad at Ian but more for Ian.”

“I mean, he’s always been a bit of a closet softy,” I point out.

Jack scoffs. “Tell that to my hips after a day of drills.”

“That sounded entirely too sexual to be in reference to your coach.”

Jack snickers. “Coach wouldn’t know what to do with me.”

“I don’t think a retired porn star with a psych degree they got for shits and gigs would know what to do with you,” I say, clucking my tongue.

“I choose to take that as a compliment,” he says primly.

“You would.” I check the cookies again, finally determining that they’re done and pulling them out with an oven mitt to set the pan on the oven so they can cool. “So when are you guys coming back?”

“Soon,” Jack tells me. “I think they’re finishing up now. How is Abby?”

“She’s been napping,” I say. “I put her down an hour ago after you left. She looked like she needed it.”

“You ‘put her down’? She’s not a toddler.”

“Neither are you, but you’re still a nightmare to deal with when you’re tired.”

“Yeah, yeah. She going to be okay, you think?”

“I think so,” I say, only half-sure, really. “Maybe. I don’t know. She’s been through a lot.”

“Yeah, but she’s got us,” he muses.

“Oh?” I lean against the counter. “Does she?”

“I mean, Ian is my brother, and he’s now in some gross incestuous relationship with you—”

“Yeah, still not accurate.”

“So I figure we can confidently assume that we’re going to adopt the baby Chase sibling.”

“She’s twenty-five,” I chuckle. “Hardly a baby.”

“I know that. She’s kind of hot in an Ian way.”

“In an Ian way?”

“She looks a lot like him. Kind of weird. Confusing to my libido.”

“You are so strange.”

“You love me.”

“For some reason.”

“Hey, I think Ian’s coming. We’ll be back soon, okay? Hold down the fort.”

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