Page 69 of Angel's Temper

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“Only that which he reaped upon himself,” the witch hollered back. “Your kind never did think of consequences or what might happen when it was time for actions to be answered for. Now, thanks to my sentinel, I can resume what I started two thousand years ago.”

Ice formed in Molly’s veins. “What are you saying?”

“I’m saying,” she sneered, “that Cyro’s need has not changed, and neither has our bargain. Souls for status. That was the arrangement we struck, and for ones such as us, time is of little consequence.” Then she swept her hand toward Brass, and he immediately took to the sky, pumping his powerful wings against the night. “The more souls my sentinel extinguishes, the sooner Cyro will be able to make his advance on the Empyrean and the sooner we will both reign.”

Panic crawled up Molly’s throat as she stood, helpless to stop what was happening. She had no way to reach Brass, if he was even still aware of her, and likewise, she had no weapons. Desperation clawed at her like a wild beast. She was no match for Ragana. Whatever power the witch insinuated Molly had was clearly unhelpful when it came to combat. Once again, Molly was alone, overwhelmed, and?—

“Now, I don’t generally like to use the B-word, but when one finds the perfect embodiment, one must pay tribute, you hear me?” A flash of reddish-brown metal swept across Molly’s vision toward Ragana’s direction. Bronze, fully transformed and armed with a halberd that looked like it had severed a head or two before breakfast, kicked the witch’s legs out from under her and hovered his weapon above her to strike. “Light’s out, bitch.”

Ragana shook off her surprise and hissed into the night, then brought her palms together in front of her face, redirecting the blade’s trajectory. With a fire of her own, the witch countered the attack, slamming beams of flames into Bronze’s chest.

And that was when the other fighting sounds registered. Behind Molly, the rest of the angels had arrived and split the flank, half taking on Ragana while the others tried to subdue a raging Brass. Wings, blades, and guns peppered the night sky with streaks of angel fire. Bodies clashed with roars that shook the stadium. In midair, Iron and Titan flew predatory circles around Brass. Against the darkening sky, weapons dangled from fists that had yet to unclench as they delivered blow after blow among brothers.

With the magic shield around Molly lowered and forgotten, it allowed her to do the one thing she’d spent a lifetime perfecting.

She ran, bolting toward the nearest set of bleachers.

This can’t be happening. They shouldn’t be fighting each other. They should be fighting her!

Just as Molly reached the metal benches, another voice flared to life in her mind. This one, however, was sweet and sultry and, hell if she knew how, but warm. Warm like the sun’s kiss on her shoulders. Warm and safe and soothing.

Molly. Only you can prevent this. Embrace who you are, and Ragana will be no more.

Molly jolted mid-step and grabbed at the chain-link fence for support.

“Who said that?” she cried, whipping her head in all directions.

Someone who has watched over you and yours since the ice first formed along the shores of the north.

“That’s not fucking helpful,” she screamed and gasped as Brass kicked free of Iron’s hold midair and used his brother’s stolen iron mace to wallop Titan on the side of his head. The angel went down in a devastating spiral and crashed into the ground, leaving a crater in his wake.

Help yourself, Molly, as you always have. Ragana was only half right about your magic.

“Magic? What magic?” she cried to the thin air.

You are not just an empath but an empathic siphon. Only you can free your cursed angel and destroy Ragana. Use his rage. Use your bond. Take his fury unto yourself, and propel it with the spark of the Eternal Flame that now joins you both. His full celestial fire has returned to him. Feel that power and embrace what your bond can do, what only you can do, Molly.

“Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me.” But the voice had abandoned her on a brisk current, though what it left behind was neither chilly nor unsettling.

The flutter began in her stomach. Just a little tickle, but enough for her to realize it grew in intensity each time she laid eyes on one of the battling angels. When she finally found Brass among the melee, his furiously twisted features and snarling expression fanned her body’s awareness into something tangible.

Yes, Molly. Use your gift. Instinct will guide you. Trust the bond.

Out of options, Molly closed her eyes. God, what was she doing? What in the actual hell was she doing? She should be looking for a weapon or something, not standing by, becoming one with her feelings while the only family she’d ever known destroyed themselves.

And then every pore, muscle, and vein in her body filled to bursting with a rage not unlike the most volatile volcanoes. Brass’s curse slammed into her with the force required to split atoms, to create entire solar systems. It was light and energy and emotion all coiled into a ball of pure pain that made her weep for every living thing that had ever and would ever know sorrow.

Was this what Brass felt? How could one not go mad at the mercy of that devastation? It was too much, too crippling, too?—

Now, Molly! Now is your chance!

The voice punched through the din of the emotional destruction Molly was harboring. Her tear-filled eyes flew open as her chest heaved and pain wheezed out of burned lungs. Then the fire came. Blue flames circled her limbs in a protective fury, fueled by an indestructible tether between her soul and Brass’s. She almost screamed at the sight of her arms amid the flames, but Brass’s reassuring words from earlier punched through her fear.

My fire will never harm you, Molly. It recognizes you now. You have to know that.

Ragana was on the field, one palm swirling a whirlwind around her wrist while the other commanded a tunnel of drenching water. Together, they created a typhoon of torment against the angels, who sputtered and gasped for the air Ragana had robbed them of.

But while the witch was focused on those in front of her, she’d left her back wide open.

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