Page 74 of Going Once

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“I’ll be right there,” he said, then glanced at Nola as he hung up.

“What’s up?” Cameron said.

“Dad was in a wreck, and they don’t have any O negative on hand. I’m going down to donate.”

“Do you want me to go with you?” Nola asked.

“I want you to, but you can’t. Sorry.”

Her shoulders slumped. “Okay, I know you’re right. I hope he’s okay.”

Tate nodded. “I won’t be long,” he said, then grabbed his wallet and gun and was out the door.

“If the old bastard survives, I hope he’ll realize what a mistake he made,” Cameron said.

Just then Wade walked into the kitchen to check on breakfast and noticed they were one short.

“Where’s Tate?”

When Cameron filled him in, his reaction was the same.

“That’s one cold-blooded man. I still can’t wrap my head around what he did to Tate. It’s just crazy.” Then he looked at Nola. “It’s part of what broke you guys up, right?”

She nodded. “Only I didn’t know it until he told me the same day he told you.”

“But you’re both okay now?”

She smiled. “We’re very okay.”

They both gave her a thumbs-up.

“So…what’s on the schedule?” Wade asked.

“You mean besides babysitting me?” she said.

Cameron frowned. “Hey. It’s not babysitting. It’s called protecting a material witness.”

“Which we’re happy to do, because we usually have to order in when that happens. Your cooking skills are a bonus,” Wade said.

She grinned. “Changing the subject now, but has either one of you heard if the river has crested yet?”

“No. That last rain added to the runoff. I heard them predicting it for sometime tomorrow evening, if it doesn’t rain again anytime soon.”

“Thanks,” she said, and then took her bowl to the dishwasher as Wade walked into the kitchen behind her.

“Who made toast?” he asked, pointing to the two slices in the toaster.


“Don’t want to let them go to waste,” he said, and grabbed a plate.

“Are you ever full?” Nola asked.

Wade shrugged. “It’s a metabolism thing.”

She grinned. “Is that guy talk to get around the fact that you’re a walking garbage disposal?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said, and stuffed a half slice of toast in his mouth.

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