Page 75 of Her Forever Daddies

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Ruby sniffled and shuffled over to the corner, pulling her dress up like instructed.

God, she was perfect. In the month since they’d moved her into their house, the three of them had been learning so much about each other. One of the things they’d realized is that Ruby enjoyed a bit of exhibitionism when it came to being disciplined and both Zane and Jace quite enjoyed it as well.

They’d also learned that she needed spankings quite often to help keep her head clear of all the negative thoughts she had about herself. Providing spankings seemed to ground her in a way that she needed, and she always felt more secure in their relationship afterward. Jace was pretty sure she enjoyed acting out on purpose at times just to get those spankings.

“Ten minutes. Come here, baby.”

Turning, she awkwardly speed walked toward him and crawled up on his lap, sniffling against his chest.

“That’s my good girl. You did so good. Are you ready to tell me what the rule is about sharing?”

Nodding her head, she looked up at him with wet eyes. “I’s sorry, Daddy. I knows I’s s’posed to share with everyone.”

She was also still learning how to make friends. That was still a challenge and they’d learned she purposely pushed people away so they couldn’t hurt her. It was her way of protecting herself.

Addie and Carly had kept in touch with Ruby and the men hoped that once Ruby had a few good friends, she would feel comfortable with making more friends. Gabby had even started talking to Ruby when they saw each other, which was wonderful for both Gabby and Ruby. Both women had been through crappy things, and he suspected they could become great friends eventually.

“That’s right, baby girl. Do you think you can share from now on?”

Ruby nodded. He smiled, especially knowing that her agreement to share would last for a day or two at most. But that was okay. Despite her bratting, they still loved her unconditionally and would always be there to discipline her when she needed it.

“I love you, baby,” he said, kissing her forehead.

“I love you too, Daddy. With all my heart. Can I have this plug out of my butthole now?”

And there she was. His sassy girl, back in action.


“Zaddy, will you put my hair in pigtails?” Ruby asked.

He grinned and tossed a pillow on the floor in front of him. “Of course, baby girl. Are you excited to go to the zoo?”

“Yes! I’ve never been to the zoo before. I’ve always wanted to see a real live elephant,” she told him.

She’d been talking about seeing the elephants for days. Apparently, they were her favorite animals, second to kangaroos ever since they’d given her Hop.

“I talked to my friend, Ian, and he said there is a young elephant there. His little girl got to see it when it was just a baby,” Zane told her.

Ruby wiggled happily, clapping her hands. “I hope I get to see it!”

“I hope so too, baby. But you need to be a really good girl and stay close to me or Daddy at all times. The zoo gets very busy, and we don’t want our little girl to get lost. I need you to be safe at all times. Okay?”

“Okay, Daddy. I’ll stay close.”

He highly doubted she would keep that promise, but he still felt the need to express that he didn’t want to lose her. He told her as often as he could how much she meant to them and slowly, with each passing day, she seemed to become less afraid that they wouldn’t want her anymore. Zane knew it was an uphill battle that they would climb for a long time, but he was up for the challenge.

By the time they got to the zoo, Ruby had already had a meltdown and gotten her bottom spanked through her overall shorts, all because she wanted to skip breakfast so they could get to the zoo sooner. Even though they weren’t meeting Carly and Damian there until ten.

Lifting her out of her booster seat, Zane planted a kiss on the top of her head and grabbed her hand as the three of them maneuvered their way through the parking lot. Carly, Damian, and Nash were already near the front entrance as they approached.

“Ruby!” Carly called out, jumping up and down excitedly.

Before he realized it, Ruby pulled free from his hand and ran across the parking lot to hug her friend. Running after her, Zane grabbed her elbow and turned her toward him.

“You just ran across the road without even looking,” he growled.

Her eyes widened and he noticed her swallow heavily. “I looked, Zaddy.”

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