Page 74 of Her Forever Daddies

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A blush rose to her cheeks at his question for the other Top. Jace loved doing things like talking to another ‘adult’ about her to make her feel extra Little.

“She didn’t want to share the dollhouse again when another Little wanted to play with her. The Little eventually gave up trying and went crying to her Daddy,” the monitor told him.

Raising his eyebrow again, he looked down at Ruby who was sulking on the floor. She peered up at him from beneath her lashes and pushed her bottom lip out in a sad little pout.

“Thank you. I’ll take it from here,” Jace said.

Once he was alone with his little girl, he squatted down so he was closer to eye level with her.

“What’s the rule about sharing, Ruby?”

Her bright blue eyes moved to his and he could tell she hadn’t decided whether she wanted to be sassy or compliant.

“I don’t know, Daddy. The rules aren’t hung up on the wall. You can’t really expect me to remember all the millions of rules you and Zaddy make. Sheesh, that would be torture in itself,” she explained dramatically.

Right. So that was the route they were going.

Reaching out, he plucked her up from the floor and walked over to the straight-backed chair in one of the corners of the room. Setting her on her feet, Jace gave her a stern look.

“Stay right here. You move and I’ll add my belt to your spanking.”

Without waiting for her to respond, he walked over to the supply cabinet where they kept brand new sex toys and implements that could be purchased by members. Jace and Zane also kept a bin of toys and implements specifically for Ruby in the cabinet. Grabbing a medium-sized butt plug and some lube from her bin, Jace walked back to his little girl. Her eyes widened when she saw what he was carrying in his hand.

Sitting down, he pulled her between his legs. “Here’s what’s going to happen. I’m going to plug your naughty, sassy bottom, then I’m going to spank it, and then you’re going to stand in the corner for ten minutes and see if you can remember the rule about sharing. After that, Daddy is going to put your panties back on with the butt plug still in place and you’re going to keep it there while you sit down at the naughty table and write down all the rules ten times. Then we’ll hang them up on the wall so all the Littles know what the rules are, including you. Questions?”

“Daddy, that’s so mean,” she pouted, shuffling from foot to foot.

“I can make it fifteen minutes in the corner if you’d like and go fetch a larger plug,” he told her.

“No, no, Daddy. That’s okay. It’s not mean. I was just kidding, Daddy. Sheesh. Didn’t you know I was kidding?”

“Uh-huh. Over my lap, little girl,” he said.

Letting out a sigh, she grabbed the hand he offered and let him help her over his lap. The frilly dress she was wearing that night barely covered her bottom so as soon as she was stretched over his knees, her panties were already on display. Without wasting any time, he pulled her panties down her legs and dropped them on the floor.

He smiled to himself when she let out a small whimper as he poured some lube between her ass cheeks. Using his index finger, he spread the lube around her tight ring and then dipped his finger in and out to the second knuckle a few times. Her breathing quickened and he knew she was very aroused. Their baby girl liked being disciplined in front of people and she loved anal play.

Pulling his finger free, he dribbled some lube onto the plug and then pressed the tip to her bottom.

“Deep breath in and long breath out, baby,” he told her.

When she obeyed, he pushed the plug in and then started spanking her without warning. He didn’t start the spanking hard, but he wanted to get her attention away from her arousal. Even though he was so aroused he wouldn’t be surprised if she could feel his cock pressing into her tummy.

“Owwie! Daddy, I’m sorry. I remember the rule,” she whined.

He ignored her pleas and started spanking her a bit harder once he felt like her bottom had been warmed up sufficiently. As the intensity of his spanks increased, her legs started kicking and her cries grew louder.

“Daddy! Ow!”

Pausing, he rubbed his hand over her heated cheeks. “Do we remember what the rule about sharing is yet?”

She looked back at him, giving him a challenging look that told him she wasn’t quite ready to be his good little girl yet. Nodding his head, Jace raised his hand and started spanking again.

This time, his spanks were hard and fast, alternating cheeks. Once she was kicking hard enough, he swung his left leg over the back of hers to hold her in place while he peppered her sit spots.

It only took a minute or so before a sob broke free from his little girl and he saw tears falling onto the floor below her face. After giving each cheek one last smack, he pulled her up to sit on his lap.

“You need to go stand in the corner for ten minutes and then Daddy will snuggle you. Keep the back of your dress pulled up so everyone can see your red bottom and plug,” he told her, patting her bottom to get her moving.

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