Page 40 of Her Forever Daddies

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Before she even opened her eyes, she knew both her Daddies were next to her. A mix of citrus and spice surrounded her, making her feel safe and relaxed. It was kind of hard not to feel relaxed after the orgasms they’d given her.

She felt like Jell-O.

“We know you’re awake, little one,” Zane said, running a finger down her face.

The corners of her lips pulled back and she couldn’t hide any longer. Opening her eyes, she stared up at her Daddies and yep, they were surrounding her.

“Hey, sleepy bug, how was your nap?” Jace asked.

Lifting her arms above her head, she stretched and yawned. “It was really good. The best I’ve slept in a long time.”

Jace chuckled. “Guess we’ll have to make you come more often, huh?”

Well, yeah. Obviously.

But she didn’t say that. Instead, she nodded her head. Because she was totally a good girl.

“How about if I make you a snack while Daddy gets you dressed and takes you into the nursery to check things out and play? Later on, we’ll go to the club and you can go into the playroom while we work. Sound good?” Zane asked.


He nodded and left the room, leaving her alone with Jace. It probably should have felt awkward, especially since they’d had sex earlier and they still didn’t know a whole lot about each other, but there wasn’t any awkwardness. Jace got up from the bed, pulling her to the edge. As he stood there staring down at her naked body, she couldn’t help but notice how aroused she was feeling again.

“We picked out some yellow cotton panties for you and a yellow shorts romper,” he said, holding the items up for her to see.

They were so cute! The romper was all yellow except for the lace around the leg and arm holes. It was simple but perfect.

After he put her panties on, Jace started pulling the romper up her legs.

“I need a bra,” she said.

Shaking his head, Jace continued to dress her. “You don’t need a bra, baby girl. Little girls don’t wear bras.”

Well shoot. How was she supposed to hide her arousal when her nipples were constantly hard points?

“There, you look perfect, baby. You’re the most adorable Little I’ve ever seen,” Jace said proudly.

She felt a blush rise to her cheeks. Surely he couldn’t mean that.

“Thank you, Daddy,” she whispered.

Reaching out, he cupped her chin and stepped forward so his face was close to hers. His eyes studied her for a long second before he spoke.

“I don’t know what your past is like or who has hurt you before or made you feel unworthy, but you need to know that we aren’t going to hurt you, Ruby. I know it seems really fast for us to be telling you that you’re it for us, but we can feel it. We are drawn to you and we like all sides of you. We’re not going anywhere,” he said.

Tears filled her eyes and before she could reach up to wipe them away, Jace reached over to the nightstand and grabbed tissues, then started cleaning her up.

“I hope you’ll trust us enough soon to tell us more about yourself so we have a better idea of how we can help you heal. You’re a very sweet and special woman, Ruby.”

Wow. He was saying the sweetest things. Things she’d never heard before, and she wished it was easier to believe everything he was saying. The fact that he seemed so genuine made her feel as though they really did want her. And how wonderful would that be, to actually be wanted and loved?

It was too soon to love them, right? She didn’t know all that much about them. What she did know was that Jace was funny, smart, handsome, generous, caring, and charming while Zane was more serious but also had a silly side at times. He was also very protective, smoking hot, and caring. They were everything a woman could ever wish for in a man and she had two of them!

“I haven’t had the most normal life, Daddy,” she said as he continued to wipe her face.

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