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Hugh turned his phone’s flashlight on low and set it on the floor, giving the space a murky light. He’d lost his equipment bag somewhere, but he still had his camera hanging around his neck. “I noticed your friend peeking out of your pocket earlier when we were taking pictures upstairs, and then I saw his little nose poking out from under the tablecloth just now, so figured he’d gotten away from you. I grabbed some fruit from the buffet table in case you need it to lure him out. But I thought hedgehogs were supposed to be nocturnal. Doesn’t he want to be out playing at this hour? Running a hamster wheel marathon or something?”

“I… You went and got… I mean.” I shook my head to clear my confusion. “Yes, they are nocturnal. But my regular sitter is out of town, and I couldn’t leave Frank upstairs where he might freak out the hotel staff. He’s very suspicious of new people, and he hates crowds. That’s why he usually stays in my pocket at any time of day or night without trouble.”

As I spoke, Hugh extended his hand, holding out something small that I couldn’t quite see. Frank recognized what it was immediately, though, and uncurled from his defensive ball. He crept cautiously toward Hugh, reached out with his tongue, and then chomped. The scent of masticated strawberry filled the air.

“I see what you mean,” Hugh agreed. “Never have I seen a more suspicious creature.”

“Frank, you whore,” I breathed. “After I’ve hand-fed you mealworms for years, this is the repayment I get?”

Hugh laughed out loud. “Frank’s got good taste, both in snacks and in men. Better than most people,” he said. He stretched out one long finger and cautiously ran it down Frank’s spines as he ate, and I shivered slightly, imagining that finger stroking me that way.

Christ. Was there anything more pathetic than a billionaire CEO who was jealous of his hedgehog?

I sat up as straight as I could in the small space. “I certainly hope I am not the most people you’re referring to,” I said disdainfully, “because I’ll have you know that I have excellent taste?—”

Hugh gave me that crooked smile again. “You and Frank are a lot alike, you know.”


“When you feel threatened, I can practically see all of your spikes lifting.” He tilted his head to the side a moment, considering me, before saying, “You’re different than I expected, Oscar Overton.”

The comment was a chilly reminder that no matter how cozy our little conversation might be, I’d known Hugh for all of fifteen minutes. He was a perfect stranger.

“Been reading the gossip columns, have you?” I tried to sound bored and nonchalant.

“Some,” he agreed with a shrug. “Plus… you attend a lot of weddings, and I’m a wedding photographer. One hears things.”

I made a noncommittal noise. I was dying to ask which reputation he’d heard about—that I was a successful, self-made billionaire? That I was a heartbreaker and a good-luck charm, all rolled into one, as Vic had claimed? That I was exceptionally flexible and amazing in bed?—but then I decided I didn’t want to know.

Hugh and I weren’t friends. We weren’t going to fuck. So it didn’t matter what he’d heard or what he thought of me. It didn’t matter how intriguing he was or that his smile—which was ten times as powerful up close—made my pulse race.

Best man, Oscar. Best behavior. Get the hedgehog and go before you make a trouser-bulging spectacle of yourself and Wells fires you.

“Gotcha.” Hugh gently grasped Frank, who was too blissed-out on berries to protest, and cuddled him against his tuxedo shirt for a moment. Then, he held him out to me, along with another strawberry. “One wedding date restored to you, Oscar Overton. Repayment for my rudeness earlier. I really am sorry.”

I opened my mouth and shut it again. “Yes. Well…”

“I know you’ll be kinda busy tonight with the whole best man gig. I’ll be busy too.” He lifted the camera a bit in demonstration. “But let me know if you need help holding on to Frank at any point. I figure you’ve already got your hands full holding my attention.” Hugh waggled his eyebrows and shot a finger gun at me. “Now, that was a ten-out-of-ten pickup line. Feel free to use it, no need to credit me.”

“Dear god.” I ran a hand over Frank’s tiny head. “Cover your ears, Frank. You shouldn’t be subjected to this.”

Hugh let out a huff of laughter that felt as warm as sunshine and transformed his face into something so gorgeous I had to close my eyes.

“That was absurd. Atrocious.” Effective, I added silently, feeling my cheeks go hot. Hugh Linzee was temptation incarnate, and I wanted to taste his laughter on my tongue. I was way too invested in this total stranger’s happiness.

The moment I opened my eyes, the camera flashed.

“Ugh. We discussed this—” I scowled.

“I was taking a picture of Frank. He doesn’t have a bad side.” Hugh leaned closer. “I’m going to get back to work now and leave you two alone, but…” He chewed his lip. “If you’d like a chance to improve your pickup line rating,” he said softly, shooting me a wink that did nothing—absolutely nothing—for the fit of my trousers, “come find me later.”

I sucked in a breath, but before I could think of a retort, the gorgeous man had hurried away.



“Another wedding in the books.” I gave a happy sigh as I stowed my lenses away in my equipment bag. “I really enjoyed this one.”

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