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“I am not a fucking lightweight, Quinn Carter. I can handle anything,” I snapped.

He held up his hands. “That’s not what I meant.”

“Then what did you mean?” I snapped.

He helped me with the sundress, then tied the tie at my back before hooking his fingers in the waistband of my sweats and yanking them down.

I bit my lip as I tried, and failed, not to think about why I loved that he was taking care of me. And that he always could do the simplest of things and make certain places inside me pulse.

“What I meant was that I didn’t want you to worry unnecessarily until I knew there was something to worry about. You have enough to deal with right now with the injuries, and the baby…” he started, but I held my hand up, not wanting to think about that particular topic.

I was pretending I hadn’t ever been pregnant. It was easier than being devastated that I’d lost a piece of Quinn that I’d never have again.

I’d already lost so much of him, that losing another piece was devastating to me.

Yeah, best to not think about that right now…

“Who is this Ambrose Dunn guy?” I asked, changing the subject.

He bent down and grabbed a pair of my flipflops and placed them on my feet.

I tried not to like that, either.

“To tell you about Ambrose, I’d have to tell you about the new DA, Leslie Tanner, first,” he explained.

“Then I’m all ears,” I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

He pulled my arms away from my chest, then walked me out the door of his bedroom.

He ignored his family and went on to explain, “Leslie has things to prove.”

He went on to explain how Tanner was new and was trying to make a name for himself. How he was handing out harsher punishments where he could so he could look like he was making the city safer.

He then went on to give me a few examples of what was going on with others in the community.

By the time he was done, I was terrified.

“Am I going to go to jail?” I asked, heart in my throat.

Out of everything that had happened lately, that hadn’t even been on my radar.

Hell, even when Quinn had explained that I could be implicated in some way, I hadn’t thought that this would be an outcome.

“No,” he said. “That’s where Ambrose Dunn comes in. He’s with the DEA. Silas McKenzie recommended him to me. He was able to pull a few strings, and link your brother to not only Dallas, but Oklahoma and New Mexico. Since it’s through multiple states, DEA was able to take over the investigation. Bad for Costas, but good for you.”

I blew out a breath, not happy to hear that news, but not upset, either.

“What does that mean for Costas?” I questioned.

“Federal prison. More charges,” he answered. “Longer sentence.”

My shoulders drooped. “And me?”

“And you get a fair judge,” he answered. “Now, we’ll go talk to him.”

We made it out into the main room, and once again the sight of all the things that I’d once told Quinn that I wanted in a house struck me stupid.

I loved this place he’d created.

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