Page 66 of Savage Devotion

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Nat’s commanding voice cuts through the chaos, her orders barked with the precision of a seasoned military tactician. Edo mirrors her movements, his weapon steady as he and his team hold the line at the VIP lounge staircase, determined to protect our stronghold.

Suddenly, I feel a searing pain in my shoulder, and I glance down to see a crimson stain blossoming on my tailored suit jacket. A hiss of frustration escapes my lips, but I refuse to let the injury slow me down.

This is my goddamn turf, my domain, and I’ll be damned if I let these fuckers desecrate it.

As the smoke and sounds of battle fill the air, my mind races, trying to piece together how Invicta managed to pull off this brazen assault. Undoubtedly, this will make national news, and the police will soon be swarming the club, their badges and questions a nuisance I can’t afford.

Bobby Shields’s fingerprints are all over this.

My jaw tightens, my grip on my weapon unwavering despite the searing pain in my shoulder. That bastard Shields had taken everything from me once before, and I’ll be damned if I let him do it again.

With renewed vigor, I surge forward, my soldiers flanking me as we systematically eliminate the Invicta forces. The clash of our gangs is a grim, unforgiving dance, each side fighting with the desperation of those who have lost far too much.

As the battle rages on, my eyes narrow, a cold resolve hardening my expression. I will not be cowed—not by Shields’s petty vendetta, not by the looming threat of police intervention.

This is my world, built on the foundations of blood, sweat, and an unyielding determination to succeed.

The fallout from this clash will make national headlines, dragging my family’s name into the spotlight once more. But in this moment, as the acrid scent of gunpowder fills the room, all that matters is ensuring the Iacopelli clan emerges victorious.

I will not rest until Shields and his Invicta fucks are purged from my territory, no matter the cost.

The Invicta soldiers are shouting something and my eyes narrow.

They’re demanding to know the whereabouts of one Alexis Hartley.

A flicker of alarm crosses my features—how the hell do they know about her?

“Now they’ve got fucking Invicta after her?” I growl, my grip tightening on my weapon. “Who the fuck is this girl?”

If The Brotherhood has teamed up with Invicta, we’re fucked.

The realization that my enemies have somehow discovered Alexis’s connection to me only fuels the burning rage within me. She doesn’t deserve any of this, and the thought of her being targeted makes my blood boil.

We fight with a renewed ferocity, determined to eliminate the Invicta threat and protect the woman I’m so fiercely drawn to, despite my efforts to keep her at arm’s length.

My men fight with the aggression of those defending their home turf, while the Invicta soldiers, sensing their precarious position, grow increasingly desperate.

In the end, we emerge victorious, eliminating the majority of Invicta soldiers. Nat manages to capture one lone Invicta soldier, and I plan to personally interrogate him myself. I’m not leaving until I get some goddamn answers.

My jaw tightens as I survey the carnage that mars the once vibrant atmosphere of The Underground.

This attack had been a direct challenge to my authority, a brazen attempt by Shields to strike at the heart of my empire. But I’m no stranger to such threats, and I’m determined to ensure that Alexis and all that she represents remain out of the crosshairs.

With a nod to my soldiers, I turn my attention to the task of securing my territory and ensuring that the fallout from this clash will not jeopardize the delicate balance I have spent years cultivating.

The battle may have been won, but the war against Shields and Invicta is far from over.

I stride over to where Nat and Edo are standing, my shoulder still throbbing from the gunshot wound.

“Did you get anything out of that Invicta piece of shit before he bit down on the cyanide?” I growl, pinning them with a piercing gaze.

Nat shakes her head, her expression one of barely contained fury. “The fucker took the coward’s way out,” she spits. “Bit down on a hidden cyanide capsule before we could stop him. Didn’t say a goddamn word.”

“FUCK!” I roar, my knuckles whitening as I clench my fist. “Fucking figures.”

There goes any opportunity to find out what the fuck Shields is playing at.

Edo steps forward, his blood-stained brow furrowed. “Speaking of which, how the hell did Invicta know about Alexis? Why are they looking for her?”

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