Page 65 of Savage Devotion

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With a deep exhale, I force myself to turn my attention to the business at hand. The latest shipment will be arriving soon, and I need to ensure everything is in order. But Alexis remains at the forefront of my mind, a constant source of both longing and trepidation.

My gaze lifts from the dance floor as the door to the VIP lounge swings open and Nat strides in.

Even after all these years, the sight of her still manages to steal my breath away—not because of her beauty, though there is no denying she’s a striking woman, but because of the uncanny resemblance she bears to our parents.

In Nat’s features, I can see the delicate, refined beauty of our mother, the same high cheekbones and smile that have captivated so many. Yet, it’s the way she carries herself—the confident swagger, the unwavering determination in her every step—that’s a mirror image of our father, the man who built this empire with an iron fist.

A pang of nostalgia and regret tugs at my heart as I watch Nat approach. Though she’s my second-in-command, a part of me still sees the little girl who had once looked up to me with such adoration.

Now, her gaze is hardened, honed by years of navigating the treacherous waters of our Family’s enterprise.

“The shipment’s here,” Nat announces without preamble, her voice clipped and efficient. “I’ve already handled the logistics. Everything’s been weighed, bagged, and sorted, ready to be distributed as planned.”

I nod, my expression betraying none of the turbulent emotions stirring within me. “Good work,” I say, my eyes briefly flickering with a barely perceptible hint of pride.

In moments like this, I’m reminded of just how capable and invaluable my sister is to the family business—a stark contrast to the vulnerable child she had once been.

The door to the VIP lounge swings open once more and Edo steps inside. His intense gaze sweeps over the room before locking onto me.

“We’ve got some funny business going on out there on the main floor,” Edo says, his voice low and tinged with a hint of urgency. “Thought you might want to take a look.”

My brow furrows, my grip tightening momentarily on the glass I hold. “What kind of ‘funny business’?” I ask in a clipped tone.

Edo’s eyes narrow. “Not sure, exactly, but it’s got my hackles up. Might be worth checking out personally, you know?”

I glance over at Nat, who has been standing silently, her expression unreadable. A silent understanding passes between us, and I give a curt nod.

“Alright,” I say, setting down my glass and straightening my suit jacket. “Lead the way, Edo.”

We make our way down the staircase, my sharp gaze scanning the dance floor as we descend. The pulsing music and writhing bodies do little to distract me from the underlying tension that now permeates the air.

As we near the main bar, I catch sight of a commotion brewing near the back entrance. My jaw tightens, and I quicken my pace, Nat and Edo flanking me like twin shadows.

“Let’s see what’s going on,” I murmur, my voice low. Whatever is unfolding, I’m determined to nip it in the bud before it can threaten the delicate balance I have worked so hard to maintain.

The last thing I need is for the cops to raid this place. I’m already on thin ice with them.

Suddenly, the doors burst open, and a flood of armed Invicta members spills into The Underground. Chaos erupts as screams of terror pierce the pulsing music as patrons scramble to flee the sudden onslaught.


My eyes narrow, my body tensing like a coiled spring as I recognize the rival gang’s insignia emblazoned on their tactical gear.

Without a moment’s hesitation, I bark orders to my soldiers, who immediately spring into action, drawing their concealed weapons and forming a protective barrier around me and Nat.

Nat’s expression is grim, her fingers curled around the grip of her handgun as she scans the chaotic scene, her tactical training kicking into high gear. “Edo, secure the VIP lounge!” she commands, her voice cutting through the pandemonium. “We need to hold that position at all costs!”

Edo nods sharply, his own weapon raised as he leads a contingent of Iacopelli men toward the staircase, engaging the Invicta forces in a brutal exchange of gunfire.

My gaze sweeps over the emptied dance floor, my mind racing as I formulate a plan of action. The Invicta members are clearly attempting to storm the club, no doubt seeking to disrupt my operations and send a message.

But I have no intention of yielding an inch to these fuckers.

This club is mine.

With a nod to my remaining soldiers, I surge forward, my weapon raised and my finger poised on the trigger. The sound of gunshots echoes through the cavernous space as we clash in a violent struggle for dominance.

We fight to repel the Invicta onslaught, the air crackling with the staccato of gunfire. My eyes narrow, my focus honed with the intensity of a seasoned predator as I methodically pick off one Invicta soldier after another.

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