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“Well, it’s about time to start shutting down,” my dad says. “Aside from Kyle’s nonsense, did you two enjoy the party this year? It was a little different from the rest, but it was still good, right?”

“The party was perfect, Jep,” Marc chuckles. “You always do a great job.”

My dad goes off to round up his guest and clear out the hall for the night. Marc is right, aside from Kyle and his bullshit, the party was a great party. I missed a few moments because we were too busy screwing in the storage closet, but it was a highlight of my night.

I think about going home with Marc on the way out, and the dangers of it hit me immediately after. With everything up in the air the way it is, I'm not really in the mood for sex tonight. Had things ended perfectly and on a good note, I might have been dying for him to make love to me again. But the timing isn’t right. Kyle ruined it.

Marc finds me at my car while my dad is saying more goodbye’s. He looks apologetic and worried. I am too. Not apologetic about slapping Kyle across the face, but for putting him and my dad’s friendship in jeopardy.

“Are you alright?” he asks.

I take a moment to think before I respond. Physically, I'm fine. Mentally and emotionally, I'm all over the place.

“This is all so fucked up, Marc.” I say. “I can’t hurt my dad this way. If Kyle tells him, he’ll be crushed. And you two won’t be friends anymore. I don’t want that on my conscience.”

“I know,” he sighs. “This is all fucked up. I can’t say that I regret any of it, but I wish we never started this.”

Even though I agree, I'm halfway hurt by his comment. This was a terrible thing for us to do but yet and still, I want it.

“I guess so,” I shrug.

“You don’t agree?” he asks.

“Kind of. I don’t know. I like what we have going on, but how will it continue? We both feel so guilty about it, and it is pretty fucked up to keep doing it behind my dad's back.”

Marc's face goes from worried to hopeful. I want to feel the same way about this, but the guilt is too powerful right now. Watching my dad from across the parking lot smiling and laughing with all of his guests, intensifies that guilt even more. He's like a naive kid that has no idea what’s going on.

“I'm going to go home and get some rest,” I say. “Clear my head of all this. Maybe things will cool off by tomorrow. But if Kyle says one more thing out of the way to me, I promise you I will get ugly.”

“I’m going to talk to Kyle,” Marc says. “Don’t worry about that. He really crossed lines tonight that can’t be re-crossed. I'll make sure he’s gone from the office for good by tomorrow.”

“Good. Because he was really out of line tonight. I've never had anyone speak to me the way he did, and I really didn't appreciate it. If he comes near me again there will be problems.”

Chapter Sixteen - Marc

Kyle and I haven’t spoken since the party, and it’s been eating me up inside. More so because of the worry I feel about him knowing my secret. I don’t think he has the proof to back up anything he decides to tell, but I can’t be so sure either. Me firing him still stands regardless. I can’t have anyone on my roster who’s only out to destroy my character and cause problems for my other employees. I still have a business to run.

I find him in what used to be his office when I come downstairs. He’s dressed as if he has somewhere to be, but I equate that to him not wanting anyone to know that he’s been fired. Not only is he clearing out his things from the office, but he also moved out of the house. I'm not sure where he’s staying or with whom, but I want him to know that I still love him.

“Hey, son,” I speak softly as I quietly enter the room. “You got a minute?”

Kyle doesn't respond. He doesn’t even look up from the box that he’s dumping his things into. He simply pretends as if I'm not even in the room with him, and it tears me apart even more.

“Kyle,” I sigh. “I know this isn’t ideal for us, but you have to understand my position here. I can’t have two people fighting at work and I can’t have you throwing around accusations that could cause a big rift in my life. I've tried giving you a chance to clean up your act, but you constantly go against me.”

He remains quiet as he continues to toss things into his box. He's taking down his achievements, plaques, his company awards and pictures. He takes down everything plastered on the walls, except the pictures he has framed of us.

“Will you say something? I know you must hate me, but you’re still my son. And I love you. Regardless of anything, I love you.”

“Heiress offered me a job.”

My heart skips a beat when he finally speaks. Heiress wants Kyle to work for her? Why? Does she think he’ll give her some secret formula to my success? Is she angry with me because I chose not to rekindle the intimate relationship we had? Or is she going after Kyle because he’s the next best thing?

“As far as those accusations, you know they’re true. I know they’re true. No matter how hard you two try to hide it, I know the truth and soon, so will everyone else.” He looks at me as if I’m the vilest and most disgusting being he’s ever set eyes on. “What have you always taught me? To be honest, tell the truth. Never lie. And you can’t even do the same. It's funny, knowing the truth and yet someone lies right to your face. If I were you, I'd make good with my demons before those demons become the reason I get dragged to hell.”

I hear Kyle loud and clear, and everything he’s saying is the truth. But I can’t get past him working with Heiress. I may have hurt him by firing him, but she’ll rip him to shreds and tear down every ounce of his potential just because she’s holding whatever vendetta against me. I can’t allow her to hurt him this way.

“You’re going to be working with Heiress?” I ask. “Why? What do you two even know about each other? This is a dangerous move for you, Kyle. I'd hate for you to find this out the hard way.”

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