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My eye twitches when he mentions Felicia. Something about the way he says her name infuriates me. I know he’s my son and I shouldn’t be jealous of him, truth be told, I shouldn’t even be having sex with my best friend’s daughter. But the cards have been played and Kyle is nipping at my hand.

“Yeah,” I nod, trying not to lash out at him. “Is there some kind of problem between you two? I thought everything was already sorted out.”

“Work tension,” he shrugs. “I guess we just haven’t found our footing all the way yet. Nothing major. You should get dressed. The party starts soon.”

He leaves my doorway filled with some kind of void. I can’t put my finger on what it is exactly,it’s like some sort of black cloud lingering there, waiting for me to walk through it so that it can pour down over my head.

What if I skip out on the party tonight? Tell Jeppie I'm not feeling well and can't make it. I'm sure he won’t be happy about it and I won’t be happy about not seeing Felicia, so I can’t do that. Besides, I have to be there to see what kind of shenanigans Kyle tries to pull with her.

Instead of lingering at my desk any longer, I get up and head upstairs to my room to get dressed. I already have my suit picked out for the evening, so all I have to do is freshen up and throw it on. Maybe while I'm showering Kyle will change his mind about tagging along to pull whatever tricks he’s got up his sleeve. Hopefully he does. I'm not in the mood for any of his stunts or drama, especially not in front of Jeppie.

“Wow, nice suit.” He’s waiting by the door for me as I come downstairs. “Really dapper.”

“Thanks, son.” I force a smile. “I picked it up last minute. Wasn't sure how I would like it once I put it on, but it fits nice.”

I grab my keys from the keyholder on the wall and head for the door. Kyle's right on my heels with every step. Not only was I not expecting him to attend the party, but I didn’t know he’d want to drive over with me, he never does that.

“Are you riding with me?” I ask, just to clarify.

“Yeah,” he chuckles. “Doesn’t make sense to take two cars if we’re going to the same place. Unless- do you have someplace to be after?”

“No,” I quickly replied. “No place special. Let's go.”

The entire ride was awkward. You would think because Kyle is my son we could have a friendly conversation, talk about our day, laugh, cry, whatever. But no. Instead, everything is so tension filled and distant.

I think about changing my mind as we’re walking to the entrance of Jeppie’s building, but it’s too late. We're already here and he’d know something is up for sure if I decided to leave now. So, I keep my head high and walk on like nothing is bothering me at all.

“Not often I see a woman who can make any outfit look sexy.” Kyle nudges his head toward Felicia as we get closer. “I bet she’s even sexier without those clothes on. I would love to see that.”

A small fire lights in the pit of my stomach when I see the way he’s looking at her; lusting, drooling almost. I can’t say anything or make any sudden expressions with my face though. I know he’s only testing me to see how I'll respond.

“I've got good taste, right?” he asks, still trying to entice me. “I take after you in that department.”

“Yeah, I guess you do, Kyle,”I reply quickly as we’re walking inside. I want him to shut up and drop the entire conversation before he says something that will trigger a reaction out of me and draw attention.

Felicia's already ahead of us. It's a good thing she is too. I don’t think the three of us being in front of each other will go well so long as Kyle is around. She's not good with controlling the way she looks at me and should she make any wrong judgment, Kyle will be sure to pick up on it. He’s like a hawk for that kind of thing.

“Jeppie’s got a nice building here,” he says as we step onto the elevator. “I’ve been by it a thousand times, but never stopped to check out the inside. Nice. Maybe I'll have to contract him when I decide to build my own company.”

“He is the best at what he does,” I say. “I’m sure he’d love to help you build your dream company.”

Now that we’re upstairs and into the mix of everyone, I head straight for the cocktail table to grab a drink. I need something to take the edge off before Kyle drives me up a wall. Maybe it’s a good thing he did ride with me; if I get too drunk tonight, he can drive us home.

“Are company parties always this packed?” he asks, watching me down an entire cocktail in two gulps.

“Sometimes,” I say, grabbing another cocktail. “When you have a large company, it’s nice to throw something special for your employees from time to time. You know, to show them how much you appreciate their efforts and hard work.”

He takes a look around the room as if he’s looking for someone in particular. When he finally lays eyes on her, that lustful spark in his eye and drool of his lips controls his face again. I can imagine I'm looking the same way right now. She looks beautiful. Her gorgeous gown and curly hair make her look like a princess standing across the room.

“She is gorgeous,” Kyle says.

“She is,” I agree, not meaning to sound so head over heels.

Before Kyle gets a look at my face, I quickly turn my head and go for another drink. I hate that he’s baiting me and I'm falling directly onto the hook. I can't help it. My lust for Felicia wins so effortlessly and I can’t turn it off.

“Why don't you get around and mingle a bit,” I say. “There are a lot of pretty women here tonight. There might even be a few people you know from around the way. Jeppie invites everyone to his company parties.”

“Nah,” Kyle turns down my idea. “I’m fine here. You know I don’t really like being in places where I don’t know anyone. It's awkward for me to meet new people.”

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